31 JANUARY 1829, Page 13


Adviees from Bombay to Sept. 12th, have been received by the Egyptian, and from the Mauritius to Oct. IS, by the Adventure, arrived at St. Helena. At the former

place freight remains without improvement at 151. per ton for Europe, and 20 rupees for Candy and China ; and at the latter, where there are upwards of six thousand tons of shipping, the current quotation is reduced to 21. At Calcutta the Company have been supplied with tonnage for sugar at 4/. 2s. and 41. Vis.

• An overland despatch has been received from Bombay to Oct. 22d: but no ship- ping intelligence has transpired.

The H. C. S. Inglis, Farquharson, and General Kyd, left the Downs yesterday with a fine easterly wind.

Arrived.-At Gravesend, Jan. 30th, Egyptian, Lilburn, from Bombay, sailed 12th September, and from St. Helena 5th Dec. In the Downs, 29th Jan. Ellen, Boyle, from Bombay, 12th August. Off Dover, 28th Jan. Mary, Bamber, from Calcutta, sailed from Saugur 12th Sept. At St. Helena, Dec. 1st, Eagle, Batty, and 2d, Success, Smith, from the Cape ; and 5th, Adventure, Prowse, from the Mauritius, sailed ISth Oct. At Mauritius, Oct. 7, Tyne, Brown, and 8th, Hedleys, Halliburton, from London, and Richard, Greaves, from Liverpool. At Bombay, Aug. 12th, Clyde, Scott, and Chatham, Bragg. 14th, Margaret Johnson, Sowerby. Sept. lot, Pomona, Highat, and 8th, James and Thomas, all from Liverpool. Aug. 14th, Hibberts, Morley. Sept. 2d, Captain Cook, Willis, and Stb, Mountaineer, Canny, all from London. At Calcutta, Aug. 22d, Angerona, Redknap. 31st, Boyne. Pope, and Ganges, Lloyd, all from London and Madras. At Lintin, July 1st, Reaper, Rhind, from London and Singapore.

Sailed.-From Gravesend, Jan. 24, H. C. S. General Kyd, Serie, for St. Helena, Bombay, and China ; Lady Hannah Ellice, Liddell, for Calcutta; Candian, Reed ; and 27th, Prince George, Harrison, for Mauritius. 28th, Milo, Slack, for the Cape ; and Parmelia, Luscombe, for the new settlement at Swan River in New South Wales.

Spoken.-H. C. S. Rose, Marquis, from London to Madras, Aug. 3d; lat. and long. not reported.


Sailed.-From gravesend, .Tau. 30, Eliza, Nicholas, for New South Wales. The William Sloveld, Davidson, cleared at Leith for Van Di eman's Land on the 236 inst.

Spoken.-Perseverance, Brown, from Liverpool to Bengal, 3d Dec. 11 south, 26 west.