We have described the rest of Mr. Disraeli's address else-
where, but he seems inclined to make the Dutch treaty, ceding our right to prevent Holland from making, conquests in Sumatra, the basis of a formidable attack. We think it will prove a weak one. The freedom of the Straits of Malacca is no doubt valuable, as is the freedom of the Channel, but it is valuable to all Europe, England, - Russia, France, and Germany included. The Channel has not ceased to be free because France owns Cher- bourg, nor can Holland venture, by closing the Straits, to declare war on England. She would lose all her transmarine possessions in a month. Even if Holland became German, the Channel and the Straits would be as free as they are now, Prince Bismarck, in taking Alsace and Lorraine, having given us an inevitable and an able ally. We should say, on the whole, the Straits were safer than ever, one side being held by ourselves, and the Other by a European power deeply intereated in our allianee: Nothing, for instance, could save Java.in a general revolt so quickly as an appeal to our squadron in the China seas. . .