[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—If indeed " our last great Englishman is low," and if his remains have been preserved to us by the love and faithfulness of his followers, 1Vestminster Abbey alone is worthy to be their resting-place. In that cathedral there lies not the dust of a man. more great and good. His laurels are not those of the monarch, the warrior, the statesman, or the poet ; but they are, it may be, more unstained, illustrious, and unfading. The laurel of Living- stone, pioneer of civilisation, dauntless explorer, friend of Africa, has been laid upon his temples by the Prince of Peace. He indeed is " peer by the right of an earlier creation, priest by the impoei-
tion of a mightier hand."—I am, Sir, &c., RODEN NOEL.