The Due de Broglie has issued a Circular to the
Mayors, in which he informs them of the new law, states " that sad experience has irrevocably condemned the election of Mayors by the Coun- cils," as they thereby become too independent, are often chosen from party motives, and forget their due subordination. The Prefects are, therefore, to change the Mayors at pleasure, but are to submit each change to the Central Authority, and are to work with the Mayors in dismissing the agents of police. Mayors are not to be dismissed for political reasons en masse, but are to afford guarantees that they sympathise with the Conservative majority of the Assembly, and have honestly accepted the Sep- tennial power. " The Maires are the agents of the Government of Marshal MacMahon." That is a wise Circular. If the Govern- ment remove many Mayors they plant in every Commune inex- orable enemies, and if they " relieve " few they deprive the re- mainder of their security and gratitude to Government. No wonder that the Right begin to hate the Septennial regime, because, as they say, under it the people are becoming more and more.Republican. Nothing but this measure could have brought the tyranny and powerlessness of this Government so closely home to every Commune in the land.