31 JANUARY 1891, Page 11

Courtship and Marriage ; with a few Plain Words about

some other Great Matters. By the Rev. Harry Jones, M.A. (Nisbet and Co.) —This wise and. useful little volume may be commended as a gift- book. It consists of lectures given by Mr. Jones in his own church on Sunday afternoons. They were unaccompanied by any service, and therefore, as ho observes, show greater freedom of speech than some sermons. The speaker and writer is eminently practical, and his advice is always wholesome and manly. The lectures on "Courtship and Marriage," on "Sensationalism," on "Human Progress," and on "Gambling," treat of these matters in a form well adapted to the needs of our time ; but perhaps the best address in the volume is on "Religious Toleration," a subject dear to the heart of the speaker, and one which he could not fail to discuss with earnestness. Mr. Jones, by-the-way, might have enforced his arguments on this weighty topic by quoting the beautiful story which Jeremy Taylor professed to find "in the Jews' books," and with which he concludes his noble "Liberty of Prophesying."