31 JANUARY 1891, Page 12

The Household Dictionary of Medicine. By F. R. Walters, M.D.

(Swan Sonnenschein and Co.)—" The following pages," writes Dr. Walters in his preface, "have been written with a twofold aim : to enable its readers to avoid many common ailments by knowledge of their causes and premonitory symptoms, and to give simple directions for the early treatment of accidents and illness." The various items are alphabetically arranged, and the volume pro- mises to be of considerable utility.—With this may be men- tioned The Colonist's Medical Handbook, by E. A. Barton (Cassell and Co.), and Lectures to Nurses on Antiseptics in, Surgery, by E. Stanmore Bishop (Sampson Low, Marston, and Co.)—The British Colonist in North America (Swan Sonnenschein and Co.) is a Guide for Intending Emigrants." It deals successively with the various provinces and territories of the Canadian Dominion, and with the United States, and is evidently written with know- ledge.