The Strife of Love in a Dream : being the
First Book of the Hyinwrotoniachia of Francesco Colonna. A new edition, by Andrew Lang, M.A. (David Nutt.)—We can confidently recommend Mr.
Lang's preface to any reader, but we cannot say much for The Strife of Love in a Dream Indeed, we may frankly own that it had better been loft in the obscurity in which Mr. Lang found it. We
may learn something from its pages about the Italian paganism of the fifteenth century (Colonna was a monk, born at Venice in 1433, and living down as far as 1527); but then, we have already plentiful evidence on this aubject, have, we may safely say, quite as much as we want. The book is almost invariably tedious, and sometimes very unedifying. When we consider that it was written by a monk, we begin to see that the Italy of Francesco Colon= wanted a Reformation sadly.