31 JULY 1852, Page 20


Tuesday, July 27.

PAILTNERSnms DiSSOLVED-Jones and Howells, Tipton, grease-manufacturers- Taylor and Wilson, Halifax. coal-merchants-The Vigra and Clogan Copper Mining Company ; as far as regards C. J. Harvey-Insole and Co. Birmingham, saddlers'- ironmongers-Procter and Co. Liverpool, wine-merchants; as far as regeirds J. Proc- ter-Brooks, Brothers, Shored itch, theesemongers-Ransome and Parsons, Ipswich, manufacturers of artificial stone-Luck and Son, Watling Street, hat-manufacturers -Lawton and Co. Oldham, cotton-waste-dealers-Brown and Co. Loudon Wall, dry- salters-The London Street Cleansing Company-Preece and Price. Birmingham, engineers-Husband and Boyle. Chester, attornies-J. and J. Lawrence, Southamp- ton. cabinet-makers-Banson and Davies, EburyStreet, Pimlico, tobaeconists-Mas- kell and Son, Weobly, Herefordshire, grocers-Burton and Dyke, Ashford, Kent, stone-masons-Castle and Turner, Bermondsey Square, surgeons-Curtis and Co. Fleet Street, tailors-Pinchin and Chandler, Abbey Street, Bethnal Green, scale- board-cutters-Davies and Rigby, Liverpool, ale-dealers.

• Bfswarevs.-Mfeitzsms BRANsON; Stratford, stationer, to surrender Aug. 5, Sept. 6; solicitor, Duffield, Devonshire Street, Bishopsgate Street; official assignee, Can- aan, Aldermanbury-JMIX LEE, Brooks Mews, Paddington, cab-proprietor, Aug. 5, Sept. 8: solicitors, Young and Son, Mark Lane; official assignee, 'Whitmore, Basing- hall Street -W mum is Beaman, Birmingham, brick-maker, Aug. 9, 30 : solicitor, East, Birmingham ; official assignee, Whitmore, Birmingham-Joux Swzrr, Stavely. Derbyshire, grocer, Aug. 14, Oct. 9: solicitors, Boole and Yeomans, Sheffield ; offi- cial assignee, Freeman, Sheffield-J.4ms Boanows DAvIES„ Liverpool, provision- merchant, Aug. 5, Sept. 9: solicitor, Yates jun. Liverpool; official assignee, Bird, Liverpool-DAVID Gamow' Newcastle-upon-Tyne, grocer, Aug. 3, Sept. 3: solicitors, Sturiny and Co. Philpot Lane; Bownas, Newcastle-upou-Tyne; official assignee, Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

• DIVIDIDCDS.-Aug. 14, J. and G. Clarke, Market Harborough, carpet-manufac- turers-Aug. 26, • Chapman, Devonport, painter-Aug. 26, Lewis, Plymouth, grocer -Aug. 26, Corrie, Plymouth, wine-merchant.

exavirreATE.--7b be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of sneeting.-Aug. 18, Sutton, Hull, furnishing-ironmonger. DECLARATIONS or Dransruis.-Cerrito, Mincing Lane, merchant ; first div. of 2t. 3d. Saturday next, and the subsequent Saturday ; Groom, Abchurch Lane-Good- siVe, Wimbourne Minster. brewer ; third div. of Is. Saturday next, and subsequent Saturday ; Groom, Abchurch Lane-Turner, Eastbourne, draper ; first div. of 13.10d. on new proofs, Saturday next, and subsequent Saturday; Groom, Abchurch Lane- Cundell, Old Bond Street, publisher; first die. of Ss. 3d. July 29, and three subse- quent Thursdays ; Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-Shelford, Standen, Hertfordshire, butcher; third div. of 3s. 6d. July 29, and three subsequent Thursdays; Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-Haynes, London Street, Paddington, wheelwright ; first die. of Is. Bd. July 29, and three subsequent Thursdays ; Stansfeld, Basinghall Street- Roberts, Watling Street, stationer; third div. of Is. lid. July 29, and three subse- quent Thursdays; Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-Clarke and Bleackley, Chorlton- upon-Medlock, ironmongers; first div. of 33. Aug. 3, or any subsequent Tuesday; Fraser, Manchester-Cuff, Manchester, hotelkeeper; first div. of 2s. 6d. Aug. 8, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Fraser, Manchester-Ware, York, saddler; first div. (upon new proofs only) of 5.1. July 29, or any subsequent Thursday ; Freeman, Leeds- Moon, Borrowby. Yorkshire, corn-miller ; first div. of 23. 6d. July 29, or any sub- sequent Thursday; Freeman, Leeds-Gibson, York, ironmonger; second div. of load. said :sliest and second div. of Is. 104d. July29, and any subsequent Thursday; Free- man, Leeds.

SeOTCII SEQUESTRATIONS.-0'Neil, Glasgow, contractor, July 30, Aug. 20-Lloyd, Edinburgh, comedian, July 29, Aug. 19-Cunningham and Collins, Glasgow, contrac- tors, July 30, Aug. 20.

_Friday, July 30.

PARTNERSHIPS Dissormn.-Hill and Co. Bingley, Yorkshire, stone-merchants ; as far as regards J. Stanworth-Sawtell and Winstanley, Friday Street, commission- agents-Mason and Bertrand, Macclesfield, silk-dyers-Gawdery and Son, Chiches- ter Place, Gray's Inn Road, brush-manufacturers-Lucas and Co. Bristol, merchants -R. and V. Kilborn, Derby, drapers-Holt and Rawlinson, Bury, tea-dealers- Maltster and Bull, St. George's Place, Camberwell, zinc-workers-Wilks and Bul- lock, Addison Road, Kensington, schoolmistresses-Stiff and Beddoe, Bristol, starch- makers ; as far as regards J. B. Stiff-Macfarlane and Ellis, Liverpool, rectifiers -Aman and Kroeber, Liverpool, merchants-Evans and Clark, Leicester, grocers- Spreat and Co. Manchester, jewellers-Poynton and Hathaway, Bristol, chemists- Beckingham and Wheller, Newport, Monmouthshire, corn-merchants-Clegg and Birch, -Manchester, silk small-ware-manufacturers-James and Nunns, Church Street, tea-dealers-Bellerby and Beetham, York, painters-Major and Gill, Man- chester, manufacturers; as far as regards W. Major-Haworth and Thornber, Over Dariven, Lancashire, stone-masons-Machin and Habgood junior, Bristol, iron- dealers-Stovin and Co. Savage Gardens, Tower Hill, merchants; as far as regards J. C. Stovin.

BANKRUPTCY ANNIILLED.-WIIrtsli WILLIAMEI, Kidwelly, Carmarthenshim, tim- ber-merchant.

BANKRUPTS.-WILLWA OGILVIE CAMERON and Wrrtts11 BRUCE, Mintern Street, New North Road, pickle-merchants, to surrender Aug. 4, Sept. 8: solicitors, Po- cock and Poole, Bartholomew Close; official assignee, Stansfeld, Basinghall Street -Witiaaw Wixen, Fountain Court, Strand, victualler, Aug. 9, Sept. 15: so- licitors, Laurence and Co. Old Jewry Chambers; official assignee, Stansfeld,

Basinghall Street - SENTANCE BONSET, Queen Street Place, Upper Thames Street, druggist, Aug. 9, Sept. 15: solicitor. Jones, Austinfriars ; official assignee, Graham, Coleman Street-JEAN BArriorE DAUPTAIN, Wharf Road, City Road, colour-merchant, Aug. 6, Sept. 10: solicitor, Brandon, Essex Street, Strand ; official assignee, Cannan, Alderuianbury-Tnomes PEARSE, Bristol, hat-manufac- turee. Aug. 13, Sept. 13: solicitor,- Bevan, Bristol; official assignee, Acraman, Bris- tol-Davin LANSLEY Bath, stable-keeper, Aug. 10, Sept. 7: solicitors, Heather and Co. Paternoster itow ; official assignee. Millr, Bristol-Groaez Waisii, Black- burn, pawnbroker, Aug. 10, 31: solicitors, Swift, Blackburn; Hall, Accrington; official assignee, Pott, Manchester-Tuouss LUICE, New Accrington, grocer, Aug. 11, 31: solicitors, Bannister, Accrington; Sale and Co. Manchester ; official as- signee, Mackenzie, Manchester. -DIVIDENDS.-Aug, 20, Benjamin, Southampton Street, Bloomsbury Square, cigar- dealer-Aug. 24, Dalton and Edwards, Birmingham, iron-founders. CERTIFICATES.-2b be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of sheeting. -Aug. 23, Whiteman, Putney, apothecary-Aug. 23, Morgan, Portman Market, victualler--Aug. 30, Wood, Wath-upon-Dearne, Yorkshire, timber-merchant. DECLARATIONS OF DIVIDENDS. -Itoberton, Rotherham, steel-manufacturer ; second and final div. of 4d. July 31, or any subsequent Monday after Oct. 9; Freeman, Shef- tleld -Wilkinson, Sheffield, silver-plate-dealer; third and final div. of 2id. July 31, or any subsequent Monday after Oct. 9; Freeman, Sheffield-Newman, Sheffield, draper ; first div. of 10d. July 31, or any subsequent Monday after Oct. 9; Freeman, Sheffield-Bertram, Sheffield, ironmonger ; first div. of 2s. July 31, or any subsequent Monday after Oct. 9; Freeman, Sheffield-Nicholson, Sheffield, surgeon ; first div. Of Is. lid. July 31, ' or any subsequent Monday after Oct. 9; Freeman, Sheffield- O'Donnell, Sheffield; groom ; first die. of 9d. July 31, or any subsequent Monday after Oct. 9; Freeman, Sheffield-Hinchliffe, Sheffield, manufacturer; third and final div. of 8d. July 31, or any subsequent Monday afterOcL 9; Freeman, Sheffield-Hill,

Thorne, Yorkshire, wine-merchant; second and final of 8jd. July 31, or any subsequent Monday after Oct. 9: Freeman, Sheffield-W. and S. Shaw, Saddleworth, timber-merchants; final div. of 31d. Aug. 10, or any Tuesday subsequent to Oct. 4; Fraser, Manchester-Cuming, Lamb's Conduit Street, bookseller; first div. of It. 3d. Aug. 5, and Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday following ; Stansfeld, Basing- hall Street.

Sear= SEQUESTRATIONS.-Hamilton, Haddington, horse-dealer-Aug. 3, 31-Wil- son, Glasgow, boot-maker, Aug. 6, 27-Lams., Kilmarnock, nurseryman, Aug. 4, 26 -G. and D. Ford, Edinburgh, merchants, Aug. 5, 26-Dunlop, Haddington, dis- tiller, Aug. 4, Sept. 4.