31 JULY 1858, Page 10


On the 17th April, at Bathnrst, Gambia, West Coast of Africa, Thomas Mitchell, Esq., R.N., Commander H.M.S. Dover, of Barkham Terrace, Lambeth; in his list year.

On the 25th May, at Miirree. Captain Henry Alexander DorM, of the 27th Ree- mutt Native Infantry, and Assistant Canintiseary-General of the Bengal Army, the eldest ani only survis lug non of Joseph Alexander Doris, Esq., late Member of the Council of Ou the 20th July, at Rose Cottage, Relic, county Kilkenny, of apoplexy, Peter Duncan, Eq., (laic Governor of Iler Majest)'s City Prison for 25 years); in his b2d year.

On the 2d, in Woburn Square, George Bartley, Esq., late of the Theatres Royal Drury Lane and Carden in his 74th year. On the 23‘1, at Aicdic Place, Edinburgh, Isabella Ramsay, wife of the Very Rev. Dean Ramsay. On the 21111, at the Terrace, Camborwell, Wasey Sterry, of Upininster, Essex, Fellow of King's CoPege, Cambridge: in his 24th year. On the 11th, at Cheltenham, the Rev. Charles Hare, P.D., Senior Fellow of Trinity College, Dublin ; in his 77th year. On the 2Ith, in ',Mon, at the house of his sister, Mrs. Taylor, Charles Danvers Hackett, Mos., Bar., Oxon., son of the late Captain Philip J. D. Hackett, of the Priory. Rawmarsh, Yorkshire ; in his 411th year. Onthe 24th, at Moortown, near Leeds, Maria Theresa, wife of John Blackburn, Esq., solicitor, and Coroner for the Borough of Leeds, and sister of Clarkson Stan- Reid, Esq.. MA. On the 25th, in Lonion. Charles Thomas Thurston, Esq. Captain, B.N.. of Penal Towers, 5truionct11611ire, after a short illueso, from the effects of an accident.

On the 25th, at the reshlenee of his brother, Thomas Smith Tarletcn, Esq., Thrtrloe Square, Broomom, London, George llaw kes Gilbert 1 arleton, Req.; in his 48th year.

On the 2fith, at Calveiton Rectory, Bucks, the Hon. and Rev. C. G. Pereeval; in his dist year.