31 JULY 1858, Page 10



On Monday the English Stock Market opened with renewed dulness at a decline of to k per cent. Consols, 951 this depression was mainly owing to sales made by parties taking advantage of the previous rise to rea- lize profits and close accounts ; business was however unimportant, with the exception of causing a temporary flatness. Yesterday an improved tone was exhibited altogether, and which has been followed by increased firmness today. Consols on Wednesday evening were 951, at the close this afternoon they are 96. The continued extraordinary abundance of money muat in spite of occasional heaviness naturally tend to the support of quotations. The Indian intelligence has also had no slight ww:ght in imparting a healthier condition to the market, and has in a great measure dispelled the gloom which so Tong existed in the Stock Exchange. Today the Funds have been still firmer, Consols for September closing 964 96.1-; Bank Stork, 224

226; Reduced, t364 Now Three per Cents, 9611984; India Stock, 217 219.

Nearly all descriptions of Foreign Stocks have experienced a rise during the week, this has been especially the case in Peruvian Four-and-a-half and Three per Cents, now quoted 1,0 91 and 70 71; Brazilian Scrip, prem. Other securities are all more or less at higher prices, Turkish Stock and Venezuela Active are both 14 per cent better. Mexican Bonds are likewise firmer upon recent more favourable advices, the last quotations are in Mexican, 20a ; Buenos Avres, 80 81; Buenos Ayres Deferred, 18 19; Venezuela Active, 39 41; Grenada Active, 201 214; Victor Emmanuel, 92 93; Portuguese Three per Cents, 45 46; Spanish Three per Cents, 43444- Chilian Six per Cents, 105 107. Business in the English Railway Share Market no to Thursday was dull and inactive, but revived upon the improved tone shown in the Consol Market ; various influences have been at work to produce fluctuations in prices, and reports respecting the forth- coming dividends have had the effect of creating upon the whole an almost general improvement. Most shares show higher quotations since last week, Caledonian as much as 14 per cent ; South-Eastern are 4 per cent higher, leav- ing off today, 20,a -Z ; Great Northern, 2.51 26; Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincoln, 35 354; Brighton, 1074 1084; Great Western are somewhat lower, eat 4; London and North-Western, 924 93; Loudon and South-Western, 47 474; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 911 91'- Midland, 931 ; 94- Eastern Counties, 124 124 ; North Stafford, 54 54 ex div. Although this has been settling day a considerable amount of business has been done. The rates for continuation of accounts ruled extremely easy. French Shares show little alterations; there is an almost total absence of speculative business both at Paris and at home. The Indian market is exceedingly firm, prices having advanced upon the late favourable news from the East. East Indimis are DOW dealt in at 106; Great Indian Penin- sula, 414 premium ; Madras 20/. Shares, 204 204. The market closes with an upward tendency. Advances on Government Securities have been 114 per cent-.


An Account, pursuant to the 7th and 6th Victoria, lip. 32, for the week ending on Wednesday the 26th day of July 1868, Notes lamed. £31,021,330 Government Debt £11,075,100

Other Securities 3.439,111W Gold Coin and Bullion 16,546,530 Silver Bullion -- f31,021,250 Z31.021,350 .


Proprietors' Capital £14,531,000 Government Securities (iman-

Rest 3,304,331 ding Dead WeiglitAnnuity). 215,587,178

Public Deposits. 9,640,443 Other Securities 15,440,002

Other Deposits L5,0.13,461 Notes. 10,612,295 Seven Days and other Bills 804,074 Gold and Silver Coin 716,766 £37,258,109 £37,358,505 • Including Exchequer, Saving-Banks, Commissioners of National Debt, & Dividend Acct.

Letters from Paris assert there is some expectation of the Cr&lit Mobilier winding up, or that a fusion will be contrived with the Discount Bank of de St. Paul.

The case of Messrs. Fox and Henderson and the Napoleon Docks Com- pany, who sought to claim upon their estate for 160,000/., was brought on Wednesday before the Lords Justices, when it was announced an arrange- ment has been made which is satisfactory to all parties—na.mely, that the amount to be proved against the estate shall be fixed at 41,445/. At the same time, the first-class certificate granted by the Birmingham Bankruptcy Court to Messrs. Fox and Henderson was cenfinned.

At a meeting of the LevantMineral Company, formed for working certain emery mines, Mr. P. Anstruther presiding, a dividend was declared at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum.

At a meeting of the Consolidated Copper Mines of Cobre a half-yearly dividend was declared of 11. per share.

At a meeting of Claussen's Patent Flax Company, the resolution passed at a previous meeting, authorizing the "voluntary" winding up of the un- dertaking, under the Joint-Stock Companies' Act of 1856-'57, was unani- mously confirmed.

The Australian Mining Company, Mr. R. F. Davis in the chair, have resolved, after considerable discussion, to discontinue all inkling operations for the present.

The dividend of the Great Southern and Western Railway Company of Ireland is officially announced at the rate of 5 per cent per annum, being the same rate as that declared for the corresponding six months of 1857.