The revolt in the Herzegovina has become more serious during
the week. The Turkish tax-collectors have been robbing the peasants in the usual way, and the peasants, wearied out, have attacked them and shut them up in the towns. All that is usual, but the peasants have beaten the troops in a first engagement, and their brethren in Montenegro, Dalmatia, Bosnia, and Servia are flocking in to give them armed aid. The Turkish Government therefore is moving a small army, the Auetrian Government is sending troops to the frontiers, the Roumanians see their way to seem important, and the whole Eastern question is agog. The. Austrians deny, probably with truth, that they are striving to annex Herzegovina, for although Dalmatia terribly wants "back. country," the Austrian Government does not want a war. The affair therefore will probably end as usual, the Turkish troops turning Herzegovina into a desert, and the Pashaa announcing that the insurrection has been successfully repressed. The Turks are the worst governors in the world, but they cannot be beaten by their subjects only.