Sra,—In ycur note of last week on Lord Lansdowne's letter, you make the following quotation from Mr. Senior's book on Ireland :—" One of my father's great difficulties at Kenmare," said Mr. Thomas Trench," is his determination that if a younger son or daughter marry, the new couple shall quit the parent cabin." Perhaps you will kindly permit me to call your atten- tion to the next sentence "It runs as follows :—" He [Mr. .Steuart Trench] knows that, if they remain, the consequence will be the subdivision of the farm, the almost invariable quar- relling of the family, and the misery of its occupants." I re- gret that you did not think this worth extracting. It may perhaps appear to some of your readers, as it does to me, very material to the question whether the " traditions " of the estate are those of "an immorally despotic authority," or not.—I am,