My Theatrical and Musical Recollections. By Emily Soldene, (Downey and
Co.)—Emily Soldene's reminiscences are of tho usual kind,—a long succession of persons, plays, and theatrical anecdotes. The book is brightly written, however, has not too much of the autobiographical element in it, and gives us a very vivid idea of the work that a would-be actress has to go through before appearing on the stage. The photograph of the writer appears, perhaps, oftener than is absolutely necessary, and some of the statements about people probably still alive might have been more guarded, and there are errors of taste that some one should have pruned. The theatrical profession is much calum- niated, and to make little innuendoes against contemporaries of early days is scarcely politic. Surely one who has known and recalls so vividly some of the hardships of her career might have been a little tenderer. Emily Soldene is best known through her part in Geneviime de Brabant, which owed much to her organising capacity.