A Manual and Dictionary of the Flowering Plants and Ferns.
By J. C. Willis, M.A., Director of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Ceylon. 2 vols. "Cambridge Natural Science Manuals." (Cambridge University Press.)—This is a student's manual containing a large amount of useful botanical information in a small compass. It is intended as a guide either in the field, or to be studied in connection with a botanical museum or garden, the dictionary and general index being included in the second volume, while the first deals with morphology, natural history, variation, classification, geographi- cal distribution, economic botany, &c. In his preface the author acknowledges the co-operation of many eminent botanists, and the result has been the production of a book which seems per- fectly well adapted for the purpose for which it was written. While containing much matter which would be sought for in vain in larger and more pretentious works, it is cast into a form which will render it sufficiently clear to any intelligent reader, and is written in as popular and interesting a style as the subject will admit of.