[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—In the spring of 1906 I met Mrs. Besant in Kashmir, and was told by a lady there, who knew her well, that about eight years before that date the birth of a Hindu girl, who was to be the reincarnation of Madame Blavatsky, had been fore- told to Mrs. Besant and several other theosophical celebrities. Notes had been showered :by Mahatmas on various dressing- tables, heralding the event, and giving directions as to when and where the recipients must go to welcome this wonderful child. I was further told that all had gone well, and my in- formant assured me that the eyes of the new-born baby were the eyes of Madame Blavatsky. The Mahatmas ordered that the baby was to be brought up by a lady theosophist in Europe, and kept in seclusion until she was ready to be intro- duced as the reincarnation of Madame .Blavatsky and " The New World Teacher." The child had been in Kashmir when she was about six years old, and was known as " Bulbul," her own name being too sacred to be used. , She was said to possess occult powers, and I have for some time past been, expecting her introduction to the world. And now it is a Hindu youth who has stepped into the girl's shoes I When, how, and why did this metamorphosis take place ?—