[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] S111,—Will you allow me to urge in your columns the claims of the Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Hospital ? This hospital is not falling down. But it urgently needs extension. The site for the new buildings has been acquired through therdynificent gift of one woman. The plans are ready. Will the public make it possible to carry them out ? The estimated cost of the new buildings is £75,000. Of this, £30,000 has now been raised.
The hospital serves a poor district. But its sphere of use- fulness extends far beyond its immediate neighbourhood. Women from all parts of the country come to it. It has indeed a special claim upon every woman. It was founded by a woman—a pioneer of women doctors. It is staffed by women. It serves women. How successfully it has done its work and how much it fulfils a real public want is shown by a waiting- list which numbers 300. There is no maternity ward. There is no children's ward. There is one operating theatre ; three are urgently needed. The nursing staff is miserably and in- adequately housed. The Out-patients' Department is too small to cope with the daily increasing crowd of applicants, We ask for help.
£5,000 will build a ward ; £10,000 will name (e quip and endow) it ; £1,000 will name a bed ; £500 will name a cot. Will your readers make possible the growth of our enterprise ?.
—d am, Sir, &c.,
Organizing Secretary Extension Appeal Fund.
Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Hospital, 144 Euston Road, N.11' .1.