SIR,—Many of your readers must know the Gower peninsula, recently
`designated' by the National Parks Commission as an `area of outstanding natural beauty': The western end of the peninsula consists of Rhosili Bay, a three-mile stretch of perfect sand unspoilt as yet by commercial exploita- tion. The old rectory, now derelict, stands on a narrow shelf of cultivated land between the beach and the down which rises steeply behind it.
In 1957 a London business man was granted planning permission for turning
the outbuildings of the old rectory into a cafe. He now seeks similar permission for making a road across the face of the down and a car park. If this is done the magnifi- cent view northwards from the Rhosili cliffs will be largely spoilt.
The issue is in the balance between commercial exploitation and the preserva- tion of beauty. Will any of your readers who know Rhosili and are on the side of beauty please write to the Clerk, Glamorgan County Council, Cardiff.—Yours faithfully, STEPHEN LEE Rhosili