" The Banished Pole ;" a Song. The Words and
Music by Mrs. W. MARSHALL.
The atrocious sentence which gave rise to this song appears on its titlepage. " The young and heroic Prince Roman Sangu.sko had been condemned to be banished ni■Siberia to work in time mines. His pa-. rents, after sacrificing immense wealth to save him, entirely depended OD the magnanimity of the Emperor Nicholas. The sentence was submitted to his approbation on the day of the festival. Will it be be- lieved ?-he had the barbarity to confirm the sentence, with this ad-. dition, "And on foot." (The journey is more than three thousand miles.) Mrs. MARSHALL must have been aware, that in thus quoting the incident which gave birth to her song, she placed herself in a perilous situation. Few poets or musicians could have heightened, or even kept up the indignant throb of humanity which it awakens. We ad- mire the feeling which prompted her labour; and we don't wonder that she has failed, where a union of first-rate talents only could have suc- ceeded.