Among the Parliamentary Papers of the week, is the following " Re- turn of the Number of Stamps issued to each of the Newspapers puhlisLed in London during the year 1831, and the amount of the Advertisement-duty paid by each ;" made to an order of the House of Commons, on the motion of Mr. SPRING RICE.
To the Return for 1831, we have added, in the last two columns, under the title " 1830," tile amount of Stamps and Duties for that year, as given in a Return printed by order of the House of Commons in December last.
1631. 1830.
Stamps. Adverti,ement Duty. Stamps.
Advertisement Duty.
X S. d. £ s. d.
*The Times and Evening Mail
4.328,025 16,506 17 6 3.499,986 15,449 3 6
*Moaning lleralil & English Chronicle
2,606,000 7,416 6 6 2,310,500
7,226 12 6
Morning.Post 684,500 5,400 6 6 585,050 5,586 0 0
*Morning Chronicle, Observer, Eng- lishman, and Bell's Life in London
2,269,850 4.45012 0 2,131.799 4,673 7 6 Morning Advertiser 1,140,000 5,591 1 6 1,157,765 5,603 6 6
*Public Ledger, Weekly Times, Bri-, fish Traveller-Le Precursenr, coin. 12th Feb. 1831-Metropolitan, corn. 28th Aug. & discon. 20th Nov.1831
3;766 14 0
4,77919 0
Globe 1,047,125
1,803 7 6
957.000 1,839 8 6 Courier 1,037,000 2,877 10 6 976,500 2,701 9 6 Sun 957,000 996 12 6 747,000
952 7 0
Star, diScon. Oct. 15. 1831 69,000
342 6 0
341 5 0 *Standard, St. James's Chron. &c 1,372600 1,716 18 6 1,291,000 2,06615 0 Albion, now called "Albion & Star " 241,250
292 5 0
John Bull
988 1 0
1,104 15 6
Atlas 234,100 670 12 0 277,200 812 14 0 Bell's Weekly Messenger 489,000 533 1 0 608,000 581 14 0 *Weekly Dispatch & Country Times 1,732,391 744 12 6 1,327,10.3
613 7 6
Age 267.000 878 13 6 318,525 927 9 6 News 197,000 278 8 6 220,000 333 18 0 Examiner 229,331
384 6 0
459 19 6 *Sunday Times and Kent and Essex
Mercury 509,000
965 13 0
491.000 1,034 19 0 Iteitord 255,950
611 12 6
199,000 516 5 0 *World-Weekly Free Press, discon
April 2, 1831 hishinan, coo. Feb. 27. and discon 106,059 405 6 0 202,775 279 16 6 • March 27, 1831 3,475
0 7 0
Constitution. corn. April 3, 1831 25,250 66 6 6 -
Alfred. coo. July 31, 1831 18,000 47 1 6
- Free Trade Weekly Express, corn.
July 3, and iliscou.Ang.7, 1831 4,000 4 11 0
*Paul Pry, discon. 13th Mar. 1331-
discon. July 24th 1831 33,300 219 19 6 99,718
245 17 6
United Kingdom 121,500 371 3 6 24,200
46 4 0 Ballot, coo. 2nd Jan. 1831
19 19 0
Coldiett's Weekly Political Register 104,500 28 7 0 160,160 15 S 0 Christian Advocate 65,785
92 8 0
44,675 63 17 6 Court Journal 130,000 508 11 0 142,500 516 8 6 Literary Gazette 51,425
463 11 6
63,238 547 8 0 London Gazette 160,000
895 16 6
170,000 849 2 0 Spectator 147,000
579 15 6
94,050 499 9 0 Literary Advertiser 10,050 109 0 6 10,000 62 6 0 Law Advertiser 32,820 12 19 0 35,250 21 3 6 *Law Chronicle, and Commercial and
Bankruptcy and Law Gazette 5,400
0 17 6
4 7 6
Farmer's Journal 96,000 121 19 6 108,500
132 16 6
*County Chronicle Sc. County Herald 157,500
911 18 6
170,500 1,015 7 0
Racing Calendar 30,150
133 10 6
30,650 142 9 0-
Satirist, corn. 10th April, 1831 42.000
103 '8 6
Englishman's Register, corn. May 7,
discon. July 2, 1831 2,600
3 10 0
Academic Chronicle, coo: May 14th, discon. Sept. 10, 1831 12,050
14 14- 0
Bankrupt & Insolvent Weekly Gaz 11,125
Circular to Bankers 13,000
Loudon Mercantile Price Current 4.500
London New Price Current 15,900
British and Foreign Price Current, discon. Sep. 20, 1831 480
Corn Trade Circular 3,000
Course of Exchange
Financial and Commercial Record
3 3 0 17 17 0
5.700 3,840
20 2 6 -
United Kingdom Gazette
0 3 6
Mercantile Journal
89 19 0
New Mercantile Joirrnal 17,450
33 15. 6
Morning Journal..
862 9 6- In addition to these journals, there ap the names of five others, none of which nd some of them have since dropped.
pear in the Return of 1830; seem to have been stamped,. They are-the Foreign Lite-
Stamps. MverAuty.
{Spectator and A thenteum, discontinued 23rd July 1531 117'000 .... 789 12 0 On this second perpetration of tire same blunder, we took the liberty of asking an explanation from the Commissioners of Stamps ; and have received the following answer- "St:imp-Mice, 28th March 1'432. " Gentlemen.-Ilaving laid before the Commissioners of this Revenue your letter of' the ti ;h instant, relative to au error committed in the return made to the House of Commons of the number of stamps issued to the London Newspapers, amp the amount of the advertisement-duty paid in respect thereof, in the year 1S31. by con- necting the Spcclator with the ilekciteram, and giving a total of stamps as supplied to these papers 3,,intly, as also of advertisement-duty paid by them.-ali hough there is reall y no coaue:fon between such papers,' ant directed to acquaint von, ilmt upon an in- vestigation of the circumstances, it appears that the miming of ::•:ewspaper-stamps is- sued in the rear 1831, to Mr. CLAYTON, the Publisher of the Sperill.r, was 117,000 ; and that t ItZt amount of the duty paid on Advertisements in that pallor Pa the serve period spas 579/. 15s. 6d. • and that the duties of these •papers were consolidated in the re t urn in consequence of 'a clerical mistake. " I inn, Gentlemen. your ol)edient servant, " Cum:. PaEssr.v." " To the Ptoprietors of the Spectator. Newspaper."
Agreeably to Mr. PRESSLY'S letter, we have corrected the return as in the table ; and also corrected, from the Publisher's books, the cor- responding line in the table of 1830. The stamps issued to the Athe- 71(e1G/i in the year 18-31, it appears, have been dropped out of the ac- count altogether, by the Stamp-office. There are other errors in the return-such as stating the Ballot Advertisement-duties at 191. I9s., while the Stamps appear to have been 157,130; but we have no means of correcting them. retry Gazette, L'IndePendant, Moore's Stock List, Select List, and Stock List.
To the Return of 1S31, the following note is appended-
.ri,:te.-T h... Parrs marked thus (”, being the property of one person, in whose DBMk• :4:awl,: are t Oren out. the it mher used &a. cacti Paper ea mad be distinguished. Titi3 Account is made one front the daily warrants of the number of Stamps pad for at the ticaMeitiLe by the Proprietors of Newspapers who take out their own Stamps, and from the Returns made to the Board by the Stationers who supply other, of the number furni.41ted by them to eaelt of such Proprietors. CHARLEs PREs:Ly, S; a:op-Office, 13th March Pin. Secretary.
We had occasion to notice the practice alluded to in.the first pa- ragraph of the Note, when the Return fur 1830 Nvas published ; in which, by a mistake, the source of which wt have no means of tracing, the A t'hUiU4'11 0. was conjoined with the Spectator, although at no period of their history bad these journals the slightest connexion with each other. In the Return for 1831, the same mistake was repeated, in the following form-