The ratifications of the three Powers, Russia, Prussia, and Austria, to the Belgian treaty, are in town. The Austrian travelled, it would appear, as fast as the telegraph despatch. The Times says these rati- fications are to be exchanged to-day. We, however, learn, that this intention will be frustrated, Baron Beaow not having received authority from his Court.
The prevalent opinion is, that the ground on which the King of Holland rests his hopes of advantage from delaying his consent to the same treaty, is the possible rejection of the Reform Bill. In that event, he naturally expects a Ministry hostile to LEOPOLD, hostile to France, hostile to all Liberal Governments whatever, and prepared both by their pledges and their inclinations to hack him in the vindi- eation of his assumed rights over his revolted subjects.
The 10 -se has caused another note to be addressed to the French in which he declares, that he will not make further con- Ambassador,
cessions to his subjects,Lin those stated in his edict ; and he again protests against the occupation of .AnCona by the French. The accounts from Rome to-day state, that the prohibition of all foreign journals is persisted in. No person except the Ambassadors is allowed to receive a copy.
The Pope is raising new troops, and intends to demand the mutual evacuation both of the French and the Austrians. He made overtures to the King of Naples for Swiss troops ; but he does not appear to have been successful.