It is currently reported, that the Duke of Cumberland will
neither give vote nor proxy againstethe Bill ; but will merely explain his sen- timents on the second reading.
'His Majesty has conferred the honour of Knighthood on General :Martin Hunter, G. C.H.
The Reverend Daniel Wilson is appointed Bishop of Calcutta.
If Lord Althorp go to the Lords, Mr. Stanley will, it is said, take the Chancellorship of the Exchequer, Sir John Hobhouse will be • made Irish Secretary, Mr. R. Grant IVar Secretary (the fifth in the • course of eighteen months), and Mr.' Macaulay will be Judge Advocate. iMany.members of the House of Commons, considering themselves • released for the present from the most pressing of their Parliamentary duties, have left town till after Easter.
Lord Kerry, son of the Marquis of Lansdowne, attained his majority on Saturday.
Mr. Duncombe, the member for Hertford, has sent 101. to Mr. Rayner, in aid of the cause, " Minors against Majors," for which the meeting was:recently held at the Strand Theatre.
CAJEPUT OIL.—Our readers will recollect the puff of this oil by the first Cholera Board. It rose in consequence in the market some 600
or 700 per cent. Quacks and quackeries have their day. On Thursday, 204 bottles were brought to the hammer at Garraway's. So lately as January last, they were worth from 3s. Gd. to 4s. Gd. per ounce; the first two rots:were bought in at Sid., and the rest brought only 9d., 9,W., and 10d. !
A new article of manufacture has just-made its appearance—namely, gloves made offelt.—Blackburn Gazette.
Moan WORK Fon THE Louns.—Some days ago one of those fe- male impostors, who have long infested the countryin the character of fortune-tellers, fleeced, in one hour, upwards of thirty blooming dam- sels of their "orra'pennies," at a randy domicile in Dunblane. She seemed,,on this occasion, to have so many Peers to bestow on "the Flowers of Dunblane " for their future partners, that, unless the long- talked-of "new creation" appear, we do not see how the predictions of this seer can possibly be accomplished.—Stirling Advertiser.