On Sunday afternoon, a report having gone abroad that the church- yard at Paisley had been violated, a number of graves were hastily opened of persons that had been reported to have died of cholera ; which, without exception, were found tenantless. The mob became hereupon infuriated against the doctors ; and notwithstanding the inter- ference of the magistrate, they proceeded through the town, breaking the windows of every medical practitioner whose residence they could find out. Not content with venting their rage on the doctors, they determined to let it forth upon the patients also, and accordingly pro- ceeded to demolish the windows of the hospital. The effects were here more serious than was probably anticipated. A stone levelled at one of the windows struck a young man, a patient in the hospital (he was very ill, it is admitted, and not expected to recover), and he had hardly received the blow when he expired. Another patient, who was con- valescent, suffered a relapse from the alarm, and is now in a dangerous state. The conduct of the mob was doubtless inexcusable, but cer- tainly, if the medical practitioners connected with the cholera hospitals have connived at carrying off the bodies, their conduct is a thousand times worse. We deem the fear of contagion from such a praetice an old woman's dream, but there can be no doubt of its impropriety while others look on it as a gospel truth. And, putting contagion out of the question, nothing can be more ill-timed and absurd than to give the common people good cause of aversion to institutions, which, for no -cause at all, they are yet disposed to look on with fear and suspicion that only necessity can overcome.
A silver-mounted horn was presented on the 1st of March, by the Penycuick Curling Club, to Sir George Clerk, as a token of gratitude for the patronage he has so long continued to bestow upon the Club. Emanarrox.—Among the numerous emigrants from Fife, on board .a xessel which sailed from Dundee Roads on Tuesday last, for Quebec, is a woman seventy-six years of age. Another vessel laden with Fife emigrants, we understand, sails this week from Leven, and a third from ?at same port will sail next week.—Fife Herald.