On the 26th Met., in Stanhope Street. Ile. Countess CoWPCR, of a daughter. On the 21st hist , at Brighton, Lati■ AIIDI'STA Say MOUR. Oi a sou.
On the 20111 inst., at Auchenbowie, Stillingsliire, Lady VERE C•MERUN, of a
On the 24th inst., in Great Cumberland Street, the Lady CAR0LINE TrIlNoR, of a
son and heir.
on the 20 1, inst., at Col. Delap's, it, %Harley Street, the Don. Mrs. 1,,,IlLER DEtAIL
of a daughter.
0,, the 27th lost , at Bedford, the Lady or Major C. A. MrKRO, of a sou.
On the 23■1 inst., at Southampton, the Lady of the Rev. JO!IN SNADWKLL, uif a WITI. On the 2241 inst., at Tickhill Castle, the Lady of F. nmotro L'EsTRANOT. E•41, of a
son and heir.
On the 4th inst., the Lady of the 11ev. F. It. Weimer, M.A., nail Curate of Churell
I latelltorough, Oxfordshire, of a danghter.
On the 12th inst., at Florence, the Wile of WILLIAM Roacar GROlia, Esq., of a BOR.
At Fulham, the Lady of the Rev. Ev‘N N FPI A N. of a daughter. A Mrs. EAINE, in Tennessee, and a Mrs. PINCE, &mu East, have respectively pre-
sented their husbands with four children eaelt.—New York Herald.
On the 9th hod., at Paris, Comte DI ID matt Slier DAR, to av, daughter of the late Edward Jerningliani. Esq., and niece of Lord Stafford. MATTHEW Four. Fsq .01' Pembloke Place, !midi°, to ELIZABETH, daughter or the late Lieut.-Col R. James, 44th Heat. On the 22.1 inst., at Tottetidge, WILLIAM BRADSTREET, CRIL, of Oaklands, Banta. to K ATM. RINE CAROLINE, y011Ilge-I ulungluter of the late Rev. Dr. Garrow, and grand. daughter to Sir William Garmw. On the 25th inst., at Si. Martin's in the-Fields, Col. LEAT.IEGovE JoNES. formerly of the Grenadier Guards, to ANNA MARIA, WidOW of Lieut.-Col. Dashwood, of the Horse Goards Blume, and of Stanford k, Not ts.
On the 24t1, hist , nt Irberenintr. Kent, Capt. Haymow, to FREDERICA MARKHAM, daughter of the late Dean of York.
On the 214 inst , at his seat, Dalhousie Castle, the Right lion. the Earl of Dar.- Room, G.C.B., in his 68th year. On the 26111 inst., at ber house in Park Street, Gro,venor Square, in her 71st yeat the Hon. I °ries II AA nonn, sister if the late and aunt of the present Lord SufTteld. Ott the 25th inst.. itonraT Lord BERNER., in his 75th year.
On the 10th inst., at Florence. the Right lion. lAtril Sesser, in Ids 61st year.
On the 24th inst., at Wormleybitry, !kris, Sir ABRAILIM HUME, Bart., in his 901h year.
On the 22,1 inst., at the Hague, the Baron Faust., many years Ambassador of the Netherlands at the Court of London.
At Liverpool Street, Loudon, Sir WILT,Talt RAWLINO, Knight, in his 56t1, year. senior member of the Corporation, aud 51 years representative of the Ward of Bishops- gale, in the Common Council. On the 24th inst., at Wardington, Ostitdshire, the Rev. (IFOROE. WAllEE, RECUR' of I'llcomb, lieut. and late Fellow of All Souls' College, Oxford, in his 66111 year.
On the 26th inst., at Oxford, of smallpox, caught in the discharge of his ministe- rial duties, the Rev. Joan GAMBIER, M.A., Fellow of Mellott College, and Citrate ot St. Elittes parish, in his 25th year. On the 21 st hist , after a few days' illness, the Rev. lroor NANSFY, of Belmont, Den- bighshire, and of Macsyneild, Merionethshire. in his 7501 year. On the 2401 inst., at Chelsea, TIRAIAR ATTWooD, Organist of St. Patina Cathie. dral, in his 71st year. In Viper Belgrave Place, 30nrs JOLLY, Esq ,Organist of St. Philip's, Regent Street. ()II the 1311, inst., of hooping.cough. Lewitt, ill isis 5th year ; and int the 23,), Davos. in his 2i1 year, two youngest children of Mr. W. IL Smith, of Little Tower Street, winemterchant.