The Elizabeth, Thomas, from Bristol to Madras, was on shore Oils Jan.757 miles Smith of M.tdras—eargo expected to Is. ■.ard.
A rriwil- At Gravesend, March 23d, .1ohn. White, from Madras; 25th, Trident. SIII111■011, from Siogapore; and Eckert, Paoli!). from al multi us. OlY Falmouth, 27th, rotator, Smith. fmnt the Cape ; and 25tli, Protector, Bat tenstitw, from Mauritius. At the c ape. Jan. 171 Ii, Elizabeth, Kelso; and Emily, !bulbar, from Bengal (the latter damaged) At atelta,, 7111. Mary Ann. T,ri,ett, from London. At Ceylon, steveos; Fairy Queen, — ; Agrippina, Rogers ; :Mermaid. Chapman ; and Mali .1. Quujnt , fr. en London.
Sailed—from Gravesend. March 27114 Frances eolith, Edwank. for Madras; 2911 Sterling, Burnett ; and Salacia. Maim, for M■11101,14, From Liverpool, 24t h, Patriot ()mem Ilissiless, for Bengal ; Oriental, Wilson ; and 26111..lolin Marsh, Hawkins, for 1$0111111V ; 2NI11, Mary Sometville, hlooke. for Bengal ; Bencoolen, Tait ; and Su- perior, Cowley, fur Batavia.