The business of the English Stock Market has been unimportant ; and during the week the fluctuations of the various Funds have not exceeded j per cent. Consols have been alternately buyers and sellers at 93% for Money, and fkli for Account, Exchequer Bills have been steady at 63 to 65; and India Bonds 64 to 66 prem. Bank Stock has been done at 209, and India Stock at 26.56 and 266. In the Foreign Market, some very extensive operations have taLen place in Dutch Stock, upon which the uncertainty as to the resumption flf the negotia- tions has produced an unfavourable effect. The Two•antl•a•Half per Cents. were as high as 54, and have since fallen to 53/1 ; from which point they were yesterday raised by some extensive purchases, and a report that the Ministers of the Great Powers, forming the Conference of London had resumed their sittings. The price is to-day 54% to The Five per ants. base not fluctu.
ated so much ; and are to•day nearly at their lowest price, viz. 1024 13razi•
ban Bonds have been steady between 781 and 79i. Mexican Fa nth were as low as 27, but are to•day per ceut. higher; and Columbian base been firm at 281 to 29.
Favoureble advices from Portugal have produced a rise of 1 pet cent, in the price of the Portuguese Bonds ; but there has not been much doh g. Spanish
Stock has twice touched 22 to recede on each occasion about p r cent., and closes this afternoon at 214 There is still an uncertainty as to the New
Loan ; but it is positively asserted that M. Act A110, the well.kte wn Parisian capitalist, has contracted one ; and the Bonds have in consequeint risen more (hat, 2 per cent. in that capital. The Railway Shares are generally heavy; very little has occur ed in any of them, with the exception of Brighton and Illackwall, the former I' ere as low as 1 per cent., but some large purchasers on Liverpool account have sused an im- ravement to ;31, and the price is now 3 3%. Aspbalte Mastic has t been as low as 6, and are to-day 8 to 10. The expected decision in the cause of SMAL.L rersus Arrna OD was de• livered on Monday, in the House of Lords, but was not known t the Stock Exchange till after the close of business. The whole of the day as passed in a state of great excitement, and reports of the proceedings in : e House of Lords were periodically received. The Shares, which on Seturul.r. were at 25, were done on Monday at 206, and che.ed at 21 to 23. Some b rgains were effected after four o'clock, as low as 18. On Tuesday morning tl e first price was 18; but it soon declined to 16, and afterwards to 14, closiu:;. yesterday at 16. A meeting of some of the principal shareholders has been I I Id to-day, at Which we understand it was determined to recommend the crew n of 20,000 new shares, which are to participate equally in the profits with he existing shares, on which 50/. has been paid ; and are to be offered to the ublic at 15/. per share, or 851. discount ; thus doubling the capital of the i ompany (or rather its liabilities.) It is calculated that the Company will b enabled to pay a dividend of 23 shillings on each share. The market In , however, fallen, the price being 14/. 151. These proceedings have alarmed the owners of shares in Joint tock Com- panies, in which the liability is not limited by an act of Parliante, ' • and they have evinced a general disposition to sell. One member of tie. Stuck Ex. change, who is a large bolder of Crm don shares, has issued a ei War stating his intention to offer 2000 of these shares for sale in the Stock change on a tertaiu day.
SATURDAY. Tare'' O'CLOCK. Consols have been done at 9:31 both for Money and Account . and Exche• quer Bills are 6.1 to 65 prem. in the Foreign Market, the utile et snge of mo• aunt has occurred in Spanish Stock, which has fallen from 21:, the opening
price) to 21% : this depression' may be referred to the price of Active having fallen in Paris on Thursday. The Railway Shares are generally firmer
London and Birmingham 88 to 90 prem ; Great Western 26 to 27 prem. ; Eastern Counties A prem. ; Leeds and Manchester 17 prem. ; Manchester aud Hirmnighant 3 to OA pretn. ; Asphalte Mastic have been done at 12, and are 10 to 12 prem. ; British Iron 13 to 14 per Share ; Croydon, Old, .14.17/, per Share ; ditto New 31. 4..i prem.
3 per Cent. Consols 931,
Brazilian 5 per Ceots 79s Ditto for Account Mt e Dailish
7ss 6
3 per Cent. Itedueed ... ..... Shot Dutch 21 per ('outs
New :4 per Cent. Anus loll Portuguese Regency 5 it. Cts.
304 I.
flank stock -- Ditto 3 per ('ent. 20t 1 IndiaStoek — laussiau ( I.S2g) 5 per Cent,., 111 e Ditto Roods 63 65 pm. Spanish (1535) 5 per Cent...
21* I
Eschequer Rills Belgian 5 per Cents
63 5 pat Iliai t Defeats% Si ock
Passive Ditto 71 I 4* 5