A brilliant prospect opens on Covent Garden. Next Saturday, MACREADY,
for his benefit, will produce BYRON'S tragedy of the Two Foscari ; and also a yew operetta called Windsor castle, or Me Fri. toner- King ; in which WILSON will personate King James the First— of Scotland, riot of England.
Sindbud Me Sailor is the subject oF the Easter piece ; and from the skill of the machinists at this theatre, much may be expected realizing the marvellous adventures of the story. The title of Ire TALFOURD'S forthcoming tragedy is announced as The Athenian Ca; five. The attraction of Coriolanus .increases : those who have sei;, this superb classic specticle send their friends. We confess to haslet gone a second time. Our abiding impression after the curtain fel' was, not that we had been witnessing an exhibition of histrionic art' however skilful, but that we bad been absorbed in the study of a ve4 interesting portion of ancient story.