The Moral and Intellectual School-Book is in reality a •
aResiler ; " the lessons selected being arranged under the head- ing of religious and moral, scientific and philosophical, descriptive and sentimental, and dramatic and oratorical extracts, together with an additional section devoted to modern poetry. The selec- tions might in some instances have been chosen with more taste ; but they have character about them, adapted to the spirit of the times, and very diffiirent from the " My name is Norval mode of the old school-books. Some instructions for reading, based upon WALKER'S system, are prefixed to the book ; which is got up with elegant neatness.
The Parent's Guide to a Liberal and Comprehensive Education, by the Reverend Roneei Si NISON, is a series of questions in use at the scheol of the author, " Colebroke House Academy, Isling- ton," upon pretty well et, Lry subject that young gentlemen can be taught. The pupil who can answer them all without book, will doubtless have laid in a fund of knowledge; though many are not put in the most simple form for youth, as in these on Genesis, Chap. I.
vet% I. In the beginning Got createa the heaven and the earth.
" How did the heavens and the earth come into existence? In the beginning God created them. What do you mean by the beginning ? The time when the heavens and the earth weir, at fist created. What is time? A measured por- tion of eturnity. \Slat is the measurement of time called'? Chronology. Whence is the term chronology derived ? From the G. chronos, time, and logos, an account of time, or the science of dividing and computing time."