In the Sheriff's Court, on Wednesday, the Imperial Gas Light
Com- pany obtained a verdict for 19/. 18e. 9c1. against Sir Andrew Leith Hay, Governor of Bermuda, being for gas supplied to Sir Andrew's house, in Eaton Square, Pimlico. The defendant pleaded the "ge- neral issue ; " but the supply of the gas was proved, and the Under Sheriff could not see what possible defence could be made to so clear a case.
At Bow Street, on Thursday, Simon hIarryatt was committed for trial on a charge of causing the death of Mary Warner, by ill usage and starvation. The deceased was an inmate in the prisoner's house, Dolphin Court, Holborn ; and possessed of some property which would come to him on her decease. He was accused of confining her in a damp kitchen, and depriving her of necessary sustenance. Some wit- nesses gave the prisoner a good character ; and declared their belief that the deceased was insane, and ought to have been kept in con- finement.
The Jury summoned to inquire into the circumstances attending the death of the persons killed on board the Victoria steamer, found a ver- dict equivalent to accidental death, and freeing the Captain of the vessel from all blame.