31 MARCH 1838, Page 8

The Yeomanry of the Lymington district was to be disembodied;

but in consequence of the commanding officer ( Mr. Mackinnon, hi. P.) having undertaken to pay all future expenses, and to exonerate the Go. vernment, they are now to be continued as before.

The Elvira, Indiaman, which left Liverpool on her voyage to C. cutta last Friday, with a cargo worth about 80,0001., struck on the outward bar in the new channel. No lives were lost, as the ship filled with water gradually ; but only a small part of the cargo was saved.

Her Alajesty's mail steam.packet Lucifer, commanded by Lieu. tenant Tudor, R.N., an experienced officer well known in Liverpool, left George's Pier with the mail and passengers for Kingstown, on Tuesday evening, at about half-past six o'clock. On reaching the red buoy, off the Rock Lighthouse, she perceived the American ship IVesteliester, from Savannah, running in through the rock channel before the wind, it blowing a strong gale at the moment. The Lucifer steered in towards the Battery. At this moment the Westchester suddenly, from what cause is unknown, luffed up, and steered straight for the Lucifer ; the latter having run inside the buoy, and being nearly on shore, without any opening for escape, stopped, and then reversed her engines. The Westchester, 'however, steered so as to strike the Lu. cifer exsetly amidships, breaking through the paddleboxes, sponsilins and wheel, and driving all in.board—then swept away the gunwale aft to the (punter, and knocked the chimney overboard. The Lucifer was now wholly disabled, and the Westchester dropped astern clear. To the astonishment of all, however, she then tilled her sails, ranged up, and ran on board the Lucifer oil board the opposite quarter, leaving her in possession of the American ship's head. The Lucifer

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mediately brought to a anchor, and yesterday i

ay morning towed into port by three steamers. We deeply regret to add, that in attempting to leap on board the American ship, a passenger (Lieutenant Brooke, of the First Royals) was jammed between the vessels, and liad both his legs broke!' ;Ind dreadfully lacerated. —Liverpool Advertiser. [This is surely a psejudiced account of what took place. There must have been some reason or motive for the extraordinary conduct of the Ame- rican captain.] Sunderland has become the greatest ship.building port in the world; there being, at this time, no less than ninety-eight large vessels building un the %Veil.—Leeds Intelligencer.

There have been four serious fires in the neighbourhood of Stam- ford. Timher-yards, stack-yards, and farm buildings have been de- stroyed. It is mentioned, that at one of these conflagrations, the Marquis of Exeter, and at another Eurl:Fitzwilliatn, worked as hard as the roughest peasant.

So destructive has the late winter been to the wheat plant, in many districts, that large breadths have been ploughed up, and the land de- voted to other purposes, from the utter improbability that a crop of wheat would be obtained.— Worcester Herald.