The appointment of the Count de Flahaut to 1.e the French Am- bassador Extraordinary to London on the coronation of the Queen, is considered by the Messayer to be decided; and this journal states, that the Count bud conferences with the President of the Council on the person who is to accompany him, and on the expenses which, under such circumstances, will necessarily be attendant on his mission. If the demands of M. de Flahaut, are complied with, his embassy will be one of the most splendid ever seen.
It is said that the Duke de Nemours will go to London on the occa- sion of the coronation of Queen Victoria. Many other princes will also be assembled in London ; and among others, the Archduke Al- bert, eldest son of the Archduke Charles. We are assured that Prince Esterhazy has appropriated from his private purse a sum of a million of florins to defray the expense of his appearance at the coronation of the Queen of England.—Courrier Francais.