It has been found impossible to fill up the twelve
vacant Professor- ships in the University of Gottingen. Out of the twenty Universi- ties in Germany, not one single prufessor will consent to proceed to Got- tingen under the auspices of the Duke of Cumberland.
A project of law is under consideration in the Brussels Chamber of Deputies for limiting the importation of salt to the ports of Ostend and Antwerp. It was violently opposed in the name of the cities of Brimges, Louvain, Ghent, and Brussels.
Time King of Bavaria has granted to the daughter of Schiller an ex- tension of the copyright in the works of her father for twenty years.
The Semaphore of Marseilles publishes the following marvellous narrative, which it professes to give on creditable authority. " Two dragoons, who had accompanied a gentleman from Florence to Pisa, were overtaken on their return by a storm of wind and rain, and obliged to ask shelter for the night in a lonely house not far from the road. 'The inhabitants of the house consisted of a father, a mother, and their daughter ; who showed great hospitality, and offered them the barn to pass the night in. Towards midnight, one of the dra- goons, not feeling well, got sip to take the air ; and on passing the family apartment, saw to his horror the three dead bodies of the fa- mily, and twelve brigands, armed with sabres and pistols, seated round a table. He awoke his companions; and as there was 110 way of escaping except through the room where the brigands were sitting, they came to the resolution of attacking them with their carabines. At time first shot they killed four ; they then attacked them with their sabres, and killed four more ; when the noise bringing some neigh- bours to their assistance, the remaining four were seized amid curried to the prison at Pisa."