The Baron de V— took his wife and daughter to
the exhibition at the Louvre. Not long after they had entered, the Baroness disco- vered that the two long tresses of hair worn by her daughter had been cut off by some miscreant within an inch or two of the poor little thing's head !—Galignard's Messenger. [ Shocking! it is to be hoped that the " poor little thing's" hair will grow again.]
During several days of last and the preceding week, the Court of Assizes of Rouen was occupied with the trial of seven persons, four men and three women, for a series of murders of the most frightful character. The male prisoners were convicted, and sentenced to death. One of the women was sentenced to bard labour for life. The other two were acquitted.
The number of young men liable to the conscription in France in the present year, (that is to say, those born in 1817-15,) amount only to live-sixths of those of the preceding year. This decrease of one- sixth is accounted for in these papers by reference to the dearth which prevailed in France, as elsewhere in Europe, in 1517.