The Church of our Fathers, as seen in St. Osmund's Rite for the Cathedral of Salisbury; with Dissertations on the Belief and Ritual in England before and after the Coming of the Normans. By Daniel Rock, D.D., Canon of the English Chapter. In three volumes. 'Volumes I. and II. On flealthy and Diseased Structure, and the True Principles of Treatment for the Cure of Disease, especially Consumption and Scrofula; founded on Microscopical Analysis. By William Addison, M.D., F.ILS., Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians. Appel mix Honnites Ge718. Quelques Pages d'Histoire Canternporaine. Par Louis Blanc Repre.sentant du People. The Holy Land Restored; or an Examination of the Prophetic Evidence for the Restitution of Palestine to the Jews. In Twelve Dissertations. By the Reverend A. G. H. Hollingsworth, M.A., Rural Dean, and Vicar of Stowmarket.
History of Mary Queen of Scots. By Jacob Abbott, Author of the "Young Christian," &c. With Engravings. Frank Forester and his Friends; or Woodland Adventures in the Middle States of North America. By Henry William Herbert, Author of "Field Sports in the United States." In three volumes.
History of Europe, from the Commencement of the French Revolution to the Restoration of the Bourbons in 1815. By Archibald Alison, LL.D., F.R.S.E. New edition, with Portraits. Volume I. [This new edition of Mr. Alison's great work is designed for the library, where a certain "presence" with something more than neatness of bibfiopolic dress is re- quired: and, except that the margin is perhaps a degree too small, the volume before us well fulfils the purpose. The edition is to be illustrated with portraits; which in this volume are Louis the Sixteenth and Marie Antoinette. The well- known features of the King display more of messiness than in some of the par- traits: the Queen, like all her other portraits, as well as those of Mary Queen of Scots, does not equal the expectation which history leads us to form of her beauty and her graces.] "Presbytery Examined"; an Essay, Critical and Historical, on the Eccle- siastical History of Scotland since the Reformation. By the Duke of Argyll. Second edition. [A neat and cheap edition of the Duke of Argyll's original-minded essay which we reviewed at large on its first appearance last autumn. The work has been divided into chapters; and "some passages have been modified both in the text and in the notes, which had given rise to misapprehension." The additions are some ap- pendices of a controversial kind, in reply to objections.]
Passion Week.
[A selection of religious poetry on events connected with Easter; arranged under the three heads of Introduction, the Passion, (including the Crucifixion,) and the Resurrection, so as to give a species of dramatic character to the whole, similar to that which the Romish Church aims at in her services. The selection is made from poets of all classes, old and new, Churchman and Nonconformist, well known and little known. Milton and Milman, Keble and Dr. Watts, Kirke White and the religious poets of the seventeenth century, are drawn upon to form a series of connected extracts.]
A Scare of Lyrics.
[Rather twenty miscellaneous poems, some ballads, some short tales, and the others pieces of the class called occasional. They have more character about them than numbers of verses that are published, but they are not sufficiently remark- able to challenge critical notice.] Sir Elicloc; an Old Breton Legend. From the German of the Baron de la Mate Fouque. [The translator of Sir Elidoc has a better opinion of the work, and a higher idea of Fouque's power to vivify the days of chivalrous knight-errantry, than we have; but the task is well performed, and the book handsomely put forth.] Tables and Formula for the Computation of Life Contingencies; with co- pious Examples of Annuity, Assurance, and Friendly Society Calcula- tions. By Peter Gray, F.B..A.S., [A series of tables illustrated by examples and textual explanations, in connexion with the various subjects of life insurance. The work is of an abstruse and ela- borate character, designed to form as well as to assist the actuary.] The Idioms, or Exercises on the Difficulties of the French Language. By L. Malaher, B.A. (of the University of Paris). [A series of exercises in English, constructed to illustrate the idioms of the French language into which they are to be translated. A vocabulary of the vari- ous idioms is appended to the exercises.] Twelve Essays. By Ralph Waldo Emerson. EA neat edition of the first volume of Emerson's Essays.") The Triumph of Time. The Previsions of Lady Evelyn; with the Con- clusion. By the Author of "Two Old Men's Tales," &c. (Parlour Li-
Waverley Novels, Volumes XXXI. and XXXIL, "Quentin Durward."
XXXHL and XXXIV., "St. Ronan's Well."
Introductory Lessons on the llistory of Religious Worship. Being a Se-
quel to the Lessons on Christian Evidences, by the same Author. Part the Second.
Supplement to the Post-office London Directory, for 1849, &a. Corrected to
the date of publication. SERIALS.
The _Anglo-Saxon. Part II. Cyclopedia of Biblical Literature Abridged. By John Kitto,D.D., F.S.A.,
&c. Parts ILL and IV.
Portrait of Henry Dover, Esq., Chairman of the Quarter-Sessions for the County. of Norfolk. Actions in the Punjaub.
A Plan for the Extension of the Savings Bank System, &c. By W. N.
A Budget for the Million; in a Letter to the Inhabitants of the Borough of
Ipswich, from Rigby Wason, Esq. Second edition.
Substance of the Speech of Henry Drummond, Esq., M.P., in the House of
Commons, on Wednesday 7th March 1849, on the Second Reading of the Transfer of Real Property Bill.
Protestant Testimonies in Favour of Religious Schools.
Report of the Catholic Poor-School Committee, for 1848.
• Spectator, 1841; page 834.