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Tan Queen held the first drawingroom of this season on Thursday, at St. James's Palace; previously receiving in the throne room the annual depu- tation from Christ's Hospital, and inspecting the charts of the scholars. Her Majesty wore a magnificent train of blue and white brocaded silk and white satin, trimmed with blue and white rosettes of riband and tulle, all of Spitalfields manufacture; with a head-dress of diamonds and feathers. The Dutchess of Cambridge was present at the drawingroom. The Dutchess of Kent, the Queen Dowager, and the Queen of the Belgians, have been visiters at the Palace. Her Majesty and Prince Albert attended the Philharmonic Concert on Monday, the Italian Opera at Covent Garden on Saturday and Tuesday, the Cirque National at Drury Lane yesterday morning, and the Opera Comique at St. James's last night.
Prince Albert was at the Society of Arts on Saturday, and at the British Museum on Monday.
The Queen Dowager received a visit from the Dutchess of Kent on