Mr. Bouverie has accepted the offiee'of Vice-President of the Board
of Trade ; Mr. H. B. W. Brand the office of a Junior Lord of the Treasury. Mr. Edmund Burke Roche has accepted the Chiltern Hundreds. The inquiry before the Sebastopol Committee, yesterday, was still upon the management of the hospitals. The witnesses were Dr. Smith, once more, and Mr. Maxwell, one of the Commissioners sent out by the Duke of Newcastle. The evidence raised the question as to whether the stores forwarded from England ever reached their deetination.
The Baltic fleet will leave Spithead on Tuesday next, at half-past one, as at present arranged.
At the Marlborough Street Police-office, yesterday, on the production of a medical certificate to the effect that her reason would be endangered by confinement, Mr. Broughton liberated Mrs. Ramsbotham on heavy bail.