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Fluarce..—The Moniteur of Wednesday contained the following an- nouncement of the long-expected visit of the Emperor Napoleon to this country.
"Her Majesty Queen Victoria has invited the Emperor and the Empress to visit England. Their Majesties intend repairing to London about the middle of next month."
For some time extensive preparations for their reception have been made at Windsor Castle.
M. Drouyn de Lhuys left Paris on Wednesday evening for London, and arrived on Thursday. On his return, says the Moniteur, " he will repair to Vienna, in order to assist M. de Bourqueney in the con- ferences."
The ifoniteur of Monday announced, that "General Forey leaves the command he held in'the army a the East, and proceeds to take the com- mand of the Oran division in Algeria. Hurt in his military honour by unworthy calumnies, the General had tendered his resignation to the Emperor ; who did not accept it. His Majesty did not wish to deprive himself of the services of an officer whose long and brilliant military career is a reply to these calumnious reports. The General insists upon his resignation being accepted, and the Emperor replies thereto by giving him the command of the important division of Oran."
GERMANY.—According to the most authentic-looking statements of the Conference received from Vienna, it would appear that when the assem- bled diplomatists arrived at the third point, relating to the preponderance of Russia in the Black Sea and the revision of the treaty of 1841—the touchstone of the whole negotiation—the Russian Plenipotentiaries found that they had not sufficient powers to enable them to continue the dis- cussion. Under these circumstances, Prince Gortschakoff and M. de Titoff have written to the new Emperor, informing him of the demands of the Allies, and requesting instructions. It has been assumed that in the mean time the Conference will "pursue the study of the first and second points " : but there is some reason to think that they would rather pro- ceed to the fourth, as the details of the first—the protectorate of the Principalities—must depend to a great degree on the decision arrived at with regard to the third. The telegraph states that, on Monday, Prince Gortschakoff moved for the admission of Prussia.
Publicity has been given to a confidential circular addressed by the Prussian Cabinet to its representatives in the Courts of Germany, on the 16th March, disclaiming the interpretation put upon the language of Herr von Bisniark Schonhausen, of having proposed the entire arming of the Federal fortresses looking towards France : but the remarkable character of the despatch is its use of such epithets as "misstatement," its sneer- ing at "erroneous reporting" as not worth the waste of a word, and its charge that the Cabinet of Vienna desires to substitute its own motives for those of the Diet. We have already had the Austrian note which provoked this reply, and the Austrian rejoinder ; but it is as remarkable an incident as any, that on learning the nature of this circular, the Aus- trian Government published its own despatches in a Vienna newspaper, —a direct appeal from the Austrian Government to the public.
R111481A.—Interesting particulars of the doings and sayings which cha- racterize the accession of the young Emperor of Russia continue to arrive, and to illustrate the relation between him and his subjects. It appears that early in 18.54 the nobles of St. Petersburg poked permission to or- ganize a militia. For some reason that request was not granted at the time ; but, as is well known, the Czar, before he died, called out the which is an army raised at the expense of the nobles, and only officered in part by them. In reply to the ukase, they agreed to an ad- dress to the late Czar ; but shortly afterwards he died, and on the 4th March they presented an address to the new Czar. The Emperor made this statement— 'I desired to see you, in order to transmit to you the words of our defunct benefactor, of my father, for ever memorable. He was so weak that he was not able himself to read the expression of your sentiments, and I was charged with that duty. Your zeal, gentlemen, consoled his last moments. After having heard all, he said to me—' Thank them—thank them sincerely, and tell them that I never doubted of their devotion, and that at present I am more than ever persuaded of it.' And accordingly now I thank you, gentle- men; and I am persuaded these words will be deeply engraven in your -minds. You are at.the heed of the nobles : transmit what I say to all. of
them. Times are difficult. I always said to the deceased Emperor that I firmly believed that Divine goodness will protect Russia. I had hoped for days of joy, but it has pleased the Almighty to decide otherwise. I am sure
of you, gentlemen ; I have full hope in you. I am persuaded that the no- bility will prove that they are a noble class in every sense of the word, and
advanced in everything that is good. You do not lose courage ; I am with
you, and you are with me !' Here the Emperor made the sign of the cross, and continued—' God be with us! We will not dishonour the Russian soil.'
He then embraced the marshal of the nobility, and said, 'In your person I once aria thank the nobility ! Adieu, gentlemen; may God be with you!''
The Abeilk du Nord of St. Petersburg publishes a fanatical appeal to the Russian people to rise in arms for the defence of the Orthodox Church.
It calls upon the clergy to exhort their flocks to fight for the good cause, and to impress upon them that the present war is the ancient war "of the Prince of Darkness against the Kingdom of Christ." It concludes with a prayer to the Almighty to admit those who fall on the field of tattle for the good cause at once into the kingdom of Heaven.
THE CarmEa.—The accounts from the seat of war come down to the 17th instant; and include despatches from Lord Raglan, Sir Edmund Lyons, and General Canrobert.
The principal point of interest in the siege is the progress of the ad- vanced works of the Russians. These have been undertaken on an eleva- tion, mentioned as "the mamelon," which rises in the front, and a little to the right of the tower of Malakoff, looking from the Allied position. The Russians seemed desirous of erecting a battery on this advanta- geous point, and of connecting it by regular works with Malakoff and the batteries near the Careening Bay.
In his despatch of the 13th March, Lord Raglan writes- " The enemy commenced working upon the mamelon in front of the tower of Malakoff in the night of Friday ; but the nature of the work, from the thickness of the atmosphere, could not be distinguished. Great progress, however, had been perceived on Sunday ; and that night a strong working
party of British troops was occupied in commencing a parallel from the advanced point of our right attack, with a view to form a junction with the corresponding parallel to be made on their side by the French, who began it on the following evening ; and much was done to forwardthe operation before daylight this morning, and it is hoped that the object will be com- pleted tonight." Under date the 17th, he continues to report— "The progress of the parallel, which I reported to your Lordship in my deapatch of the 13th instant., has not been as rapid as was anticipated ; the ground being extremely rocky, and the difficulty of procuring cover con- sequently excessive, and rendering it almost impossible to carry on the operation during the day. Both the English and the French have now, however, succeeded in establishing the communication between them. Her Majesty's troops have not been assailed; but our allies have been kept con iaction;- stantly n and they have succeeded in driving the enemy from the rifle-pits, in which they had established themselves in their immediate front, with distinguished gallantry and great perseverance. They, however, have sustained some loss, though not equal to that ,which they have in- flicted upon their opponents. A steady fire has been'maintained. upon the
i mamelon n the occupation of the enemy, from the guns in our right at- tack; and the practice of both the navy and the artillery has been conspi- cuously good, and reflects the highest credit on those branches of her Ma- jesty's service." General Canrobert describes in detail the spirited operations of the French, referred to by Lord Raglan.
Unmistakeable signs of activity are visible in the Russian camp. The country is now as firm as the finest road • and every day, we are told, Russian camps on the North of Sebastopol increase and spread out, and each night new watch-fires strike the eye. The line of the Tchernaya continues to be strengthened. On the 12th, the enemy showed a batta- lion and some Cossacks on the heights above Balaklava, and towards Ka- mare, probably with the view to interrupt the French and English wood- cutting parties, for the construction of gabions, in the immediate neigh- bourhood; but the allied detachments have not been obliged to discontinue their work.
The return of casualties from the 12th to the 15th March shows on our part a loss of 5 killed and 26 wounded. One officer. Captain Craigie, of the Royal Engineers has been killed ; and Captain Forster, of the Sixty-second, wounded. The health of the troops continued to improve, and their numbers to increase. The daily deaths were fewer in number ; and on the whole the state of things was extremely satisfactory.
General Simpson had arrived, and had lost no time in making himself "master of the situation," and in ascertaining the position and condition of the various portions of? the army. Sir John M'Neill also had landed, and had been equally zealous and active in collecting information with respect to the department which he is to superintend and the mission with which he is charged.
Omar Pasha visited the camp on the 12th, and attended a council of war.
The garrison of Eupatoria during his absence was in the command of Ahmed Pasha. The Turks, under Skender Bey, had made a somewhat badly-managed attempt to cut off a body of Russian cavalry, and were driven back with loss; Skender Bey sustaining a severe but not dan- gerous wound. No fewer than four interviews, partly to arrange for an exchange of prisoners, and partly to inform the Russians of the death of the Emperor Nicholas, have taken place between Safer Bey, a Pole, and Prince Radzivill, the commander of the Russians. Great politeness was observed on both sides, with an exchange of cigars and tobacco. Prince Radzivill and Sefer Bey were old acquaintances, having met some time since in Paris.
The naval forces off the Circassian coast and the straits of Kertch are actively engaged. Lieutenant Armytage in the Viper, visited the Kouban lake on the 8th ; dispersed a party of dossacks ; captured a small vessel laden with charcoal and other goods ; and destroyed the fort and barracks of the mtutello tower at Djumteia, spiked two guns and destroyed the ammunition ; without any casualty to the crew of the Viper. Having heard from the Circassians that the Russians had diminished the arma- ment and garrison at Soujak-Kale, Captain Giffard proceeded thither on the 12th, with the Leopard, Highflyer, Swallow, Viper, and the French steamer Fulton. A heavy swell prevented the ships from closing with the batteries.
"I therefore," writes Captain Giffard, "threw some shells into the place ; and the Cireassians, who soon appeared in numbers, at the same time at- tacked the small fort at the head of the bay, opposite the town, drove out
the garrison, and burnt it, at eight a.m. This morning the Cireassians in- formed me they had a sufficient force, and would attack Soujak-Kale by land if I would do so by sea ; and, wishing to encourage them and embarrass the enemy, I immediately moved the squadron to within 1000 yards of the South face, and opened fire on it. From this point the enemy only had ten gues- t) bear on the ships; but the light wind and damp weather made the smoke hang over and conceal them from our fire, while our masts above were con- spicuous to them. We soon drove all the inhabitants and troops out of the place, except those in the earthern batteries : but I was much disappointed. to find that the Circassians did not advance to attack them when out of the town, as they had promised. I therefore moved out again, as with our small force of men it would have been too great a risk to land, the main, body of the garrison being close at hand. The arsenal and public buildings. are much injured, and several of the guns were silenced and dismounted._ Our loss, I am happy to say, has been small ; and some injury has been done to the masts and hulls of the ships. The Russian force, apparently 1500 oz- 2000 men, and the other inhabitants, are now encamped about a mile North. of the town, having left a few men in the batteries. They will have greah difficulty in communicating with Anapa, being surrounded by the Cireassums, who were collecting reinforcements; and should they return to the town, a small naval force can at any time drive them out again." The loss on this occasion was one killed and two wounded.
State of the Camp.—"From hunger, unwholesome food, and comparative nakedness, the camp is plunged into a sea of abundance, filled with sheep and sheepskin, wooden huts, funs, comforters, mufflers, flannel shirts, tracts, soups, preserved meats, potted game, and spirits. Hay, it is even true that a store of Dalby's carminative, of respirators, and of jujubes, has been sent out to the troops. The two former articles have been issued under the sanc- tion of Dr. Hull, and he has given instructions that the doctors shall report on the effects of the first-named of them. Where the jujubes came from I know not ; but if things go on at this rate we may soon hear complaints that our Grenadiers have been left for several days without their Godfrey's cordial and soothing syrup, and that the Dragoons have been shamefully ill- supplied with Daffy's elixir. 'Hit high, hit low, there is no pleasing luni ' : but really the fait is that the army is overdone with Berlin wool and flannel, and is ill provided with leather. The men still want good boots and water- proofs; for there is a rainy season coming, and the trenches will soon be full of mud and slush, more fatal by far than mere cold. Medicine is not deficient at present, and there is an unfortunately large demand for the re- medies against the ravages of low fever. Mutton and beef are so abundant that the men get fresh meat about three times a week. Some of the mutton, &c. brought to the Crimea ready killed, is excellent. Potatoes, cabbages, and carrots, are served out pretty frequently, as the cargoes arrive; and the patients in hospital are seldom or never left short of vegetables."— Times Correspondent, March 10.
The Land Transport Service.—" Colonel Mliurdo, who is the Director- General of the new Transport Service, will, it is understood, require no less- than 12,000 mules and horses. Where they are to be got, and how they are to be fed, do not appear very evident as yet. The expense of organizing this transport service will be enormous; but it can be readily saved in the s'ea service transport alone, by hunting a few lazy vessels out of Balaklava. There are some officers here whose lodging alone costs or has cost the country at the rate of 22,0001. a year, that being about the expense of the 'vessels in which they have their quarters. It would be a curious and instructive return for some Member to move for the services rendered by each vessel,_ the trips she has made, and the sums paid to her owners for her services since the expedition was determined upon to the present time. The stories. one bears upon this point are incredible to all but 'a follower' of the British army."—Idern.
TtraxEL—A party of forty nurses, one half ladies, the other half paid attendants, arrived at Smyrna on the 15th instant. It would seem that even here, in consequence of a misconception of the orders of the Govern- ment, no adequate provision had been made for their reception. .Mr.. Giudici, a merchant, offered his house for their use. But by the prompt exertions of Colonel Storks, in twenty-four hours they were installed in the house of a Turkish official. They were none too soon. The hospital is a handsome building, built in the form of three aides of a square, and facing the sea. There were on the 15th between 600 and 700 sick men within its walls. "The wards," says the Times correspondent, "though crowded, are free from all unpleasant odour; a strict sanitary system is about to be enforced ; and the feelings of the patients are best expressed in their own language—' We begin to get well as soon as we come down. here.'" INDIA. AND CHINA.—The telegraphic summary of the overland mails arrived in London on Thursday. The latest dates are from Bombay,. March 3; Hongkong, February 15.
"Ryder Khan had arrived at Jellalabad, as the representative of Bost Mahomed, on his way to Peshawur, to negotiate with the Chief Commissioner. Lord Dalhousie has gone to the Neilgherries. The condition of Oude becomes- daily more deplorable. "From China we learn that the French had again attacked Shanghai,. and had been repulsed with loss by the rebels. The country around Canton is in the bands of the rebels. The export of tea from Foochow this season has reached 26,000,000 pounds."
Aunt/Alas.—The telegraphic summary of the overland mail also brings news from Adelaide to the 3d February.
"From Australia we learn that Sir W. Denison arrived at Sydney on the- 17th of January. No further disturbances had occurred at Ballarat. Trade in Australia had somewhat improved; but, politically, matters were unsatis- factory."