Iif Mrs. Nassau Senior, sister of Ma.. Thomas Hughes, Q.C.,
the tuldic service has lost a Wolin& of rare abilities, and the first who
r received a high-salaried official :appointment under Govern- Eat. Mra. Senior held the office, first of Assistant-Inspector
then of, Inspector of Workhouses and Workhoniie Schobls frii` nertily two years, and her masterly report to the Lobel doVehitnent Board on the 'condition of the female pauper children in the district schools and in service his made an impression which is likely to produce a fundardelital Change of system. Tier official *kirk was cut ahort iii November, 1574, by the llIneas of *high she died on SatardaY last. Hitherto her place has not been lie d, but hers was not rin influence for Which it is easy to find a substitute, or a work to which Maly could woitinly snored. It is, of cbiiine, possible that the While to race her is PartlY
due to the change of Government, Mr. Stansfeld being, as is well known, an ardent supporter of the claims of women, while Mr. Sclater-Booth may be quite the contrary. Still, looking to the large support which even the political "rights of women" obtain from the Conservative party, we wonder that no attempt has been made to find a respectable, even if not an equal, successor to Mrs. genior, as Inspector to Workhouse Schools.