shall feel obliged if you will allow me to place a few facts before intending emigrants, in order that they may be able to leave their native homes with something like a feeling of security for the future. You may probably have heard that amongst the adjuncts of the London Samaritan Society we have separate means of having personally conducted parties taken to Canada, and thus, while adding nothing to the ordinary emi- grant fares, securing to them a comfortable passage, conveni- ences on landing, an immunity from the " sharks " always attendant upon the unwary, and in most cases employment on landing. During the year 1882, we took over about 1,500 emi- grants, chiefly mechanics, general and agricultural labourers, and domestic servants, I myself crossing the Atlantic half-a- dozen times, and in no instance have we heard anything but good report, alike from the emigrant and also from the employer. Our modus operandi is to meet the emigrants at London, or at the various stations between here and Liverpool, to see them and their luggage safely on board the steamers, and by special arrangements with the Dominion and other lines we have increased advantages in regard to berths, &c. For the comfort and safety of the domestic servant and governess class, a lady has kindly con- sented to accompany the parties gratuitously. My first per- sonally-conducted party this year will be on May 3rd, and I shall be glad to give all information to intending emigrants, as to their prospects of success, cto. The advantages we offer are merely security of person and belongings en route, through and inclusive fares, reduced railway rates, and negotiations as to employment prior to and on arrival; but this has been vastly appreciated, as testified by the hundreds already taken out under our auspices. Our engagements up to the present are,— a party for Canada on March 29th, and every Thursday up to end of July, and on May 3rd and June 28th to be accompanied by myself. The object of the London Samaritan Society is to supply information and to make it safe and easy for those seek- ing new homes, and consequently your kind assistance is asked. on behalf of those interested.—I am, Sir, &c., Joirti JANES JONES, Director.
98 High Street, Homerton, London, E.