31 MARCH 1883, Page 16


[To THE &Byron. or THE "SrEariefor.."]

SIB.,—Within an hour of reading the article with this title in the last number of the Spectator, I have come across a passage in Dante (Inferno, c. xxxi., Is. 55-57.), which seems so felicitous an illustration of the line of thought which you have taken,

that it is, I think, worth while sending it on to you :—

"Che dove l'argomento della mente

Si giunge al mal volere ed alma poses, Nesstm riparo vi pub far la gente '

which I render thus,— " For where the mind's clear faculty to see With power and evil purpose doth combine,

No bulwark can from them a people free."

—I am, Sir, &c., E. H. PLUMPTRE.

Deanery, Wells, Somerset, March 26th.