The police of Liverpool have received information that build- ings
"in a neighbouring town" are to be blown up by a local branch of the " Invincibles," and are keeping strict watch... On Wednesday, a man was arrested on a Cork boat with a. box full of a very powerful explosive, nitricised glycerine' and sawdust, and two clock-work machines, like that used by the "monster of Bremerhaven." The police also arrested a railway porter, in whose residence it is said important documents were' found. Further arrests have been made in Cork, and so important is the whole matter deemed, that the Home Secretary on Thurs- day refused any information to the House of Commons. The' police are said to be thoroughly informed, and are acting in Ire- land and England at once, the law being the same in both coun- tries. We said last week that legislation could do little; but a good, heavy tax on the importation of explosives, levied with the severity of the tobacco-tax, would make importation more difficult, and if the money were given to informers, would enlist. the sailors' wits on the side of order. They do not greatly love- men who bring dangerous explosives on board without the captain's permission, and so risk the safety of the ship, ana they would search closely.