The Standard reports its belief that the Mastership of the
-Rolls has been offered to, and declined by, Sir Farrer Herschell, and has since been offered to Mr. Horace Davey, Q.C., M.P. for Christchurch. We only hope for the sake of the country that Sir Ferrer Herschell has really determined to stay in the House of Commons. That he would have made an extremely -able judge, we do not doubt. But in the House of Commons he would be greatly missed. Lucid and masterly in exposition, a uni- versal favourite, endowed with at least as sound political as he is with legal abilities,—both of no common order,—he is one of the few lawyers in the House who are heard with as much deference in a great political debate as he is on a subject pro- fessionally his own. Such a man can ill be spared in the chaos of an assembly where crystallising forces are comparatively few.