Dr. White has added to his series of "Grammar-school Texts"
the Epodes and Carmen Seculare of Horace. (Longmans.)—The diffi- culties of the Epodes can scarcely be met in an adequate way by the vocabulary which Dr. White appends to his editions ; nor indeed are they, however presented by an editor, suitable reading for grammar-schools, though they are interesting to older students. Dr. White has expurgated them, but not, in Our judgment, sufficiently. The eleventh epode might very well have disappeared, and the fifteenth contains at least one gross passage which offends against the &bite pueris reverentia. Familiarity with the Classics seems sometimes to produce a curiously hardening effect on the minds of editors.—We commend to the notice of teachers a very useful little manual, A Select Vocabulary of Latin Etymology, by W. H. Williams, MA. (T. and T. Clark, Edinburgh.) It is a volume of unpretending size, but full of well chosen and useful information.