Rebecca ; or, a Life's Mistake. By R. Dansey Green
Price- (Roworth and Co.)—This is a story of how a Welsh gentleman of blood and estate wooed and wedded a Welsh peasant girl, whose brother was a "Rebecca," and " wanted " for a desperate salmon- poaching affray ; how the romantic marriage did not quite "do," on account of the perverse and narrow views of society, so that ths pair (to do them both justice, unrepentant) retired to Auckland, New. Zealand, there to live happy ever afterwards. The simplicity and good-faith of the writer, whose notions of literary composition are. elementary, disarm criticism as much as his humility deprecates it- We do not find it easy to understand why, feeling himself incom- petent to write a story, as he freely admits, he should have made the attempt. The only motive that appears on the surface is Mr. Price's desire to dedicate a book to the Rev. Lister Venables, and we can hardly admit this to be an adequate justification.