The General Assembly of the Church of Scotland met at the New Hall, on the Castle Hill in Edinburgh, on Thursday week. In the forenoon, the Marquis of Bute, as Lord High Commissioner' held a levee at Holyrood Palace; which was attended by a great concourse of the Scottish gentry. His Grace went to the Church of St. Giles's in state' and heard a discourse by Principal Lee, the late Moderator; and then proceeded to take part in opening the Assembly. The Mar- chioness of Bute was present at the ceremony; and the public gallery was filled by a great number of ladies, who also encroached on the space round the throne and on the steps. The Reverend Dr. Alexander Hill, Professor of Divinity: in the University of Glasgow, was unanimously elected Moderator. In opening the Queen's commission, the Lord High Commissioner assured the Assembly of her Majesty's determination to maintain the Church of Scotland as by law established. He added, "1 have to announce that her Majesty has placed at your disposal the sum of 2,0001. for the promotion of Christianity in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland. If you should appropriate any part of this sum in aiding the studies of young men acquainted with the Gaelic language who are preparing for the ministry, I am sure it will be agreeable." On Monday., the Assembly took up the grant to Maynooth. Three propositions were made. Mr. Clark of Inverness moved an address to the Queen, and a peti- tion to the House of Lords, against the increased grant. Dr. Bryce proposed a declaration to Parliament, that the Assembly would not be responsible for a mea- sure encouraging the dissemination of "pestilent" doctrine. Dr. Pine of Aber- deen moved a declaration, that the Assembly, having considered the overtures against the bill and the doctrine set forth in the Confession of Faith, "do not feel called upon, by the profession of the said doctrine, to adopt the course recom- mended in these overtures, and thus to obstruct measures deemed essential by the Executive Government of the country for the advancement of the best inte- rests of their Roman Catholic fellow-countrymen." Dr. Bryce's motion was with- drawn; and on a division, Mr. Clark's motion was carried, by a majority of 185 o 41.
On Tuesday, it was resolved to petition against Mr. Rutherfurd's University Tests Bill; and a Committee was appointed to watch the progress of the measure. The General Assembly of the Free Protesting Church also met on Thursday week. The Reverend Dr. M'Farlan of Greenock was elected Moderator; the mo- tion for his appointment being seconded by Mr. Fox Mauls.
On Friday, Dr. Makellar made a report from the Board of Missions and Edu- cation, which stated, that while the contributions to" the Five Schemes" last year amounted to 33,000L, this year the contributions to those schemes and the College amount to 68,0001.; making, with a balance from last year, 82,3981. On Tuesday' a motion to petition against the Maynooth endowment, energetic- ally supported by Mr. Fox Maule, was affirmed.