En= EXCHANGE, FRIDAY APTrasoote. The occurrence of the settlement of the Consol Account on Tuesday produced scarcely any effect; the speculations entered into having recently been of so unim- portant a character. A momentary depression occurred in the price of Consols, and there was a temporary demand for money but, with the occasion, both have passed away, and the market is now steady at the quotations of last week, with an appearance of improvement. The books of the various Stocks, the dividends upon which become due in July, will close in the course of next week, and will not re- open for private transfer till the 6th July. In the Foreign Market, no material variation in prices or business of import- ance has occurred. The market for Spanish Stock has been agitated, in con- sequence of the termination of the session of the Cortes without any settlement of the financial scheme for the amalgamation of the various debts now in arrear of dividends. This operation, which has been so long talked of, and has served to amuse the speculators upon the Exchanges of Madrid, Paris, and London, seems now abandoned. As a natural consequence, the prices of all varieties of Spanish Bonds have declined, and are from 4 to 1 per cent below the quotations of last week. Passive Stock experienced as great a decline as any one of the other varieties; having fallen 1 per cent. The Share Market has improved materially, especially for the older lines of English railway; almost all the great and established ones being on the advance. The most remarkable improvement has occurred in the shares of the Great North of England, Midland, and Great Western. The Newcastle and Berwick, among the lesser varieties, have also improved, in consequence of the determina- tion of the Committee of the House of Commons being adverse to the claims of the Northumberland Atmospheric line. Of the minor Shares, prices are almost all declining; scarcely one of those now undergoing the Parliamentary ordeal, or only in embryo, being at the same quotations as the last given. New schemes are, however, continually succeeding one another, and increasing the pressure upon the already overstocked market. The French Shares are generally lower. The Chambers proceed at their usual snail's pace with the bills authorizing the construction of the various lines for which companies are formed. It seems scarcely possible that all the contemplated bills should be passed in the present session; and this conviction, together with the effect produced by the contumacy of the Emperor of Morocco, has thrown a, damp upon speculation both in Paris and here.
The English Funds are unchanged. The abdication of Don Carlos has not produced any material effect upon the prices of the Spanish Funds; which are firm at the closing quotations of yesterday. All the other Foreign Bonds are the same.
The market for Railway Shares has been in a very agitated state; almost all the brokers being buyers at the commencement of business. A general improve- ment has been the consequence, and the prices of all the more import- ant shares have advanced, as will be seen by the following record of the actual business. The movement seems to have extended to the shares of all the lines now working. Those of the Brighton and South-eastern, and Dover and South-western, which have not been the objects of much in- quiry, having advanced considerably upon the closing prices of yesterday. The newer and lesser varieties of Shares are but slightly affected. The following is a list of bargains actually occurring: Aberdeen, 9; Armagh, 24; Bristol and Exeter, 85; Ditto, New, 9; Cambridge and Lincoln, 74:a i; Eastern Counties, 18/ 14; Great North of England, New, 671; Great Western, 202; Hull and Selby, 109; Ditto, Half-shares, 26; Birmingham, 247; Brighton, 681 674; South- Western, 82 11 3; London and York, 41 4; Manchester and Birmingham, 54; blldland, 188 9; Newcastle and Berwick, 174; North British, 254 26; Ditto, New, 7; North Kent, 6; Rugby, 44; Scottish Central, 64 7; South-eastern and Dover, 45; Ditto, New, 134; Ditto, ditto, No 3, 81 1; York and North Midland,. 118 16; Ditto and Scarborough, 55; Boulogne and Amiens, 91 1; Great North of France; 51; Rosamels, 21; Louvain and Jemappc, 41; Namur and Liege, 4; Paris and Lyons (Ganneron's), 24; North of Spain, 2,i; Sambre and Meuse, SATURDAY, Two o'czocx.
The English Funds are firmer, and close at an advance of 1 per cent upon the morning's quotations. No material change has occurred in the Foreign Market. The demand for Railway. Shares has been sustained, especially for the heavier varieties, and prices continue to improve; those of the Great Western having risen 81. upon the day's business, viz., from 202 to 210 per share. The following bargains have occurred in addition to those given in the morn- in: Armagh, Port lino b, and Coleraine, 21; Brighton, Lewes, and Hastings, 25; Bristol and Exeter, New, 8/ ; Caledonian, 10 91 4; Ditto, Extension, 3; Chester and Holyhead, 161 17; Churnet, 51 4; Cork and Waterford, 21; Coventry and Leicester, 11; Eastern Counties, 14; Eastern Union, Extension, 2/; Great Southern and Western, Extension, 131; Great Western, 210; Ditto, Half-shares, 114; Lancaster and Carlisle, 441; Blackwell, 91 1; Brighton, 674684; Croydon, 181 19; South-western, 82 43; Manchester and Birmingham, 60; Newcastle and Darlington, 55; Newcastle and Brandling, 35; North Kent, 5/ 61; North Wales, 24; South IVales, 544; Trent Valley, 19; Trent Valley and Holyhead Junction, 4; Yarmouth and Norwich, 28; Boulogne and Amiens, 91 9; Bordeaux and Toalouse, 2/ ; Bordeaux and Cette, 244; Great Paris and Lyons, 2; Orleans and Bordeaux, 104; Over Yssel, 04; Latitte's Paris and Lyons, 2/ ; Ganneron's Paris and Lyons, 21 4; Paris and Rouen, 43: Real Del Monte, (Unregistered,) 41.
3 per Cent Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cent Reduced ..... 991 4 99/ 1 981 4 Columbian ex Venezuela ...
Danish 3 per Cents•ex• div Dutch 24 per Cents
In i
88 9 634 i 31 per Cents
1011 4 Ditto 5 per Cents
Long Annuities
11/ Ditto 4 per Cents
981 1
Bank Stock
209 11 Mexican 5 per Cents 361 71 Exchequer Bills Prem. 60 62 Ditto Deferred 174 18 India Stock
279 280
Portug-uese New 5 p. Cis. 1841
667 Brazilian 5 per Cents
89 90 Russian 5 per Cents 117 119 Belgian 44 per Cents
98 99 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 291 30 Chtlian 6 per Cents
100 2 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 411 24