31 MAY 1845, Page 19

David Roberts's beautiful sketches of the Temples, Pyramids, and Sculp-

tures of Egypt and of Cairo, are now again exhibited at Mr. Hogarth's Gallery in the Haymarket; preparatorily to the publication of the Egyptian portion of Mr. Roberts's great work. The celebrity of these drawings ren- ders any fresh testimony to their merits almost superfluous; but those who have seen them before will be highly gratified, as we have been, by another sight of them; and the present collection, sixty in number, includes, we be- lieve, some not previously shown: at least some appeared new to us.

It may suffice to say, that they comprise views of the Temples of Kar- nak, Luxor, Philoe, Dendera, Edfou, Ibsamboul, and the Memnonium; the Pyramids the Sphinx, the Memnon statues; andthe mosques and bazaars of Cairo, taken from various points. The minute accuracy and delicate neat- ness of the outlines are admirable; but the great merit of these drawings consists in the perfect idea they convey of the vast magnitude and sublime grandeur of the stupendous relics of Egyptian art. In this respect they are unique: Mr. Roberts has done what no other artist has accomplished, though many have tried.