31 MAY 1845, Page 20



11 per Cent Consols .

Ditto for Account .

3 per Cents Reduced 35 per Cents Long Annuities Bank Stock,? per Cent India Stock, lei Exchequer Bills, Ild. per diem India Bonds, 3 per Cent Prices.) &adds inane.. Thurs. Friday. &Surd . (Closing Monday.

99} 991 982 1011 lit 2101 — 60 pm. 994 99 fiti 1011 lit 211 280 62 71 pm

992 992 98 10I# 11# 209 279 65 —

991 99 90 1011 11 209 2795 64 -- 99 101# i} 210 63 11# 210 60 FOREIGN FUNDS.

(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.) Alabama (Sterling) 5 p. Ct. — Massachnsetts(Sterling)...5 p. Ct.


— Mexican . 4 37#


Ditto (Deferred) 5

17/ Belgian 41 - Ditto 59# Michigan 6 -

Brazilian 5 - Buenos Ayres Chilian 6 - 6 - 90 — 99 Mississippi (Sterling) 6 Neapolitan 5 New York (1858) .... 5 - , 00 ex d.

Columbian (ex Venezuela) .6 - 151 Ohio 6

Danish ..... . .... ...... 3 - SO} Pennaylvanla 5 - 65'

Dutch (Ex. 12 Guilders) ...2/ -

63# Peruvian 6 -

Ditto 4 - 911.4 Portuguese 6

French 3 -

Ditto (Converted)


Ditto 6 - 121£ 25c. Russian . 0 - 119 Indiana (Sterling) Illinois. 5 - 6 -

Spanish ... .... ....... 6 - Ditto 3 - 41 Kentucky - — Ditto (Passive)

Louisiana (Sterling) ........5 - — Ditto (Deferred) 1 Maryland (Sterling) 6 -

Venezuela Active 44# SHARES.

(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.)


Bolanoa Brazilian Imperial


Australasian Britiali North American 43 47* Ditto (St. John Del Rey)


Cobre Copper



Commercial of London London and Westminster 23 Birmingham and Gloucester.. 1351 London Joint Stock 14 Edinburgh Edinburgh and Glasgow 67b National of Ireland 20} Eastern Counties 18* National Provincial

Grand Junction

Provincial of Ireland 321 Great North of England ..... 252 Union of Australia

Great Western 203 Union of London

Liverpool and Manchester


London and Brighton


East and West India 140 London and Blackwell


London 116S London and Greenwich


St. Katherine 108F London and Birmingham 250


London and Croydon IS* Australian Agricultural .....

Manchester and Birmingham 50# British American Land

Manchester and Leeds ..... 1495 Canada

Midland 188 General Steam

South-eastern and Dover 43# Peninsular and Oriental Steam. 75 South-n estem 815 Royal Mall Steam 45 York and NorthlUdland 116 South Australian as BANK OF ENGLAND.

An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 8th Victoria, esp. 32, for the week ending on Saturday the 24th day of May DAS.


Notes Issued £29,412,540 Government Debt £11,015,100

Other Securities


Gold Coin and Bullion


Silver Bullion 2,103,030




Proprietors' Capital £14,553,000 Government Securities,


Rest 3,191,461 cluding Dead WeightAnnnity)£13,384,896 Public Deposits. ; 5.051,007 Other Securities 10,644.537.

Other Deposits 10,087,531 Notes 9,014.846 Seven Day and other Bills . ... 1,021,487 Gold and Silver Coin 860,200


133,904,496 • Includinggxehequer,SavingsBanks, Commissioners of National Debt 8DividendAccounts: BULLION. Per oz. METALS.

Per ton.

Foreign Gold in Bars, Standard ... £3 17 9 Copper, British Cakes E84 0 0.. 0 0 0 Foreign Goldin Coin,PortugalPleces 3 17 5 Iron, British Bars..., 8 10 0.. 9 0 0 New Dollars 0 4 91 Lead, British Pig ... . 17 10 0 .. 18 0 Ce Silver in Bars, Standard .... .. . . 0 4 11# Steel, Engliah 0 0 0.. 0 0 0 GRAIN, Mark Lane, Stay?

Per Qr. Wheat .... Barley - ...


(Imperial) of England and Wales. 451.104. I Rye 315. 84. 30 10 Beans .... 36 5 21 41 Peas 36 8 Wheat Barley Oats DUTY ON FOREIGN CORN. For the present Week.

. . 20s. Od. I Rye 5 0 Beans 6 0 Peas 10s. 64T.

6 6 6 4I 'Weekly Averages for the Week ending May 24. Wheat,45s. bd.-Barley ,30s. 1 d.-Oats, 21s. Ild-Rye, 31s. Od.-Beans, 37s. 5d.-Peas, 37,.4d..


Town-made per sack 49.. to 48*.

Seconds 40 -41 Butter-Best Fresh, 12s. 64. per doz. Carlow, 01. Os. to 01. Os. per cwt.

Essex and Suffolk „on board ship 35 - 38 Bacon, Irish , per cwt. 41,.- 461.

Suffolk and Stockton 33 - 36 Cheese, Cheshire 52 - 75 Bran per quarter 0 - 0 Derby Plain. 54 - 68' Pollard, fine. 0 - 0 Hams, York. 66 -70 Bread, 554. to 714. the 41b. loaf. Eggs, French, per 120,45. Od. to 5s. 6d.



Kent Pockets

120s. to 160s. York Reds per ton 50s. to 80s.

Choice ditto

DM - 225 Scotch Reds 45 - 65 Sussex Pockets

130 - 147 Bemis 50 - 65 Fine ditto

150 - 155 Kent and Essex Whites 55 - 60.

HAY AND STRAW. (Per Load of 36 Trusses.)

Cameral, k ND. SMITHFIELD.


Hay, Good ... ... ...... 113.. to 120s 90s to 105* Sos to 112s Inferior

97 - 108 0 - 0 U - 0 New

0 - 0 0 - 0 ... ....... 0 - 0 Clover

115 - 120 80 - 120 105 - 123 Wheat Straw

88 - 42 84 - 0 34 - 42 BUTCHERS' MEAT.




s. d. s. d. s.d. SMITHFIELD.

Beef... 3 0 to 3 to 4 3 6 to 4 0 to 4 6 Friday. Monday Mutton 3 6 - 4

-4 3 6-I 6 - 5 0 Beasts. 950 2,744 Veal... 2 8 - 3

-4 3 10 4 5-5 0 Sheep . 8,360 26,350 Pork .. 2 8 - 3

-4 3 6-4 0 - 4 6 Calves. 351 131 Lamb., 6 0 - 0

-51 5 0-0 0 - 6 0

Pips . 300 321 • To sink the offal, per Sibs. GROCERIES.

Tea, Robes, fine, per lb. Os. 5d. to Os. 74. Congou, Bne 1 8 -3 10

Sonchong, fine 2 0 - 3 4 • In Bond-Duty 2.s ld. perlb. Coffee, fine (in bond) per cwt. 90s. to 120s. Good Ordinary . ...... . 43s. to 49.. Sugar, Muscovado, per cwt 30s. ad. West India Molasses.... 15.. Od to 20s. Oft Wheat,R.New44 to 4S Rye 28 to 32 Fine 48-52 Barley 22-27 Old 42-46 Baiting.. 29-30 White 48-52 Malt, Ord... 62-94 Fine 64-56 Fine 66-60 Super. New 30-56 Peas, Hog 28-39 Maple 390040 'White 37-38 Boilers 38-40 Beans, Ticks 95-36 Old. 36- 38 Harrow 39-42 Oats, Feed. 22 to23.

Fine. 23-24 Poland.. 25-06 rine. 26-2T Potato -26-27 Fine 27-28 OILS, COALS, CANDLES.

Rape Oil per cwt. Al 16s. 64.

Refined 1 17 6

Linseed Oil 1 5 6 Linseed 011-Cake per 1000 0 0 0

Candles, per dozen, 4s Gd. to 5,. Od. Moulds (64 per doz. discount) 7s. 64.

Coale, Hetton 18s. Od.

Tees 17s. Sd.