The Reverend Richard Binzess, Prebendary of St. Paul's, as honorary
Secretary of the Foreign Aid Society, forwards correspondence to the Morning Chronicle to correct the impression conveyed by the letter of M. le Pasteur F. Monod, in which that gentleman receives somewhat un- graciously " the hospitality and kind expressions of certain members of the Church of England. The correspondence includes a letter signed by the Reverend M. Duby, Pastor de I'Egliso Nationale de Geneve, and by the Reverend Doctor Merle d'Aubigne, the historian, on behalf of the Ge- neva brethren and one from Archdeacon Baggesen as Vice-President of the Ecclesiastical Synod of the Swiss Reformed Church, showing the lively joy created by the testimony from the English Church of brotherhood with and affection to the Evangelical Churches on the Continent. The writers, however, do not foresee that any one of them will be in a Fisition to make use of the kind offer. [They will not visit London.] Robson, the engine-driver who drove the passenger-train into the coal- train at the Long Eaton station on the Midland Railway, was committed on Thursday, for trial on the charge of wilfully endangering the lives of his passengers.
At Winchester, yesterday, William Pamplin, charged with stealing the gold-dust lost from the train on the South-western Railway, was committed for trial.
Count Hyppolite Viiart de Boserme, of Bury, in the province of Hainault, Belgium, is, with his wife, on trial for murdering Gustave Fougnies, the deerepid brother of Madame de Boearme, in order to repair their fortunes by becoming his heir. The Count is said to have studied for many months- the properties of nicotine' a vegetable poison which "leaves no trace," to have distilled enough of it for his purpose, and then to have poisoned his brother-in-law in his wife's presence.
As the Liverpool day-mail was coming into the station of the North-west- ern Railway at Camden Town yesterday afternoon, Smith, a man employed by the company, rushed forward to save a favourite dog from destruction.; the train knocked him down, passed over his breast, and killed him instantly.