After many years- expended by the English dramatists in abducting
plots from the French capital, M. Loekroy has made a little reprisal, by taking the plot of Mr.. John Oxenford's Twice Killed as the subject for a French comic opera. Thies reprisal seems to have stimulated the desire for a recapture; and Mr. Oxenford translates back again the altered work, under the name of Botwoir, M.Pantalon ; reminding us of those proceed- ings between Greeks and Asiatics which are recorded in the earliest chap- ters of Herodotus. The English version of the opera, with all the music, by M. Grisar, as-played at the Opera. Comique, has been produced with adnimble tact at the Adelphi ; and, considering that the house is not operatic, it is surprising how well the difficult concerted pieces are sung by Misses Woolgar, Fitzwilliain, Honey, and Collins,. and Messrs. Paul Bedford and Honey. The aspect of the piece is entirely changed from the British original. There we had a homely scene of modern life ; here we have the finery and frippery of the last century—it is Twice Killed stepping out of a bandbox.
At Punch's Playhouse there is another French importation. The schemes of a Docteur Chiendent, and an accomplice, who extorts money from selfish relations by feigning sickness and inspiring hopes of legacies, have lately amused. the audience at the Varietes ; and now the worthy practitioner, converted into Doctor Butts, raises laughter at Punch's Play- house ; where he has been pleasantly introduced by Messrs. A, Mayhew and S Edwards.