31 MAY 1851, Page 15


The Chronicle this morning recurs to the fact that it was- "once violently attacked for calling the Exhibition of Industry of All Nations the inauguration of Free Trade." By a coincidence the Times voluntarily becomes obnoxious to the same charge from the chagrined Protectionists : thus holding forth- " When the very enemies of free trade point to Hyde Perk with de- rision, as the verification of their sinister forebodings, surely we may claim it as the triumph and reward of free trade. Other nations would have but little inducement to collect their chief products, to send them in vessels of war, with deputations of honour, were it not for that noble hospitality with' which England has opened her ports to the produce of their industry. It would never answer their purpose to display in this metropolis what they are forbidden to sell in it. No. mere ostentation is equal to such wonderful efforts. The Exhibition is but. the visible act and plain setting forth of the great odd; g fact, that all- nations are really at home in this metropolis. When armies have retired from the field, when a peace has been actually contracted, whenthehusband- man is again at his plough and the merchant once more on the sea, there is. commonly a grand.celebratima of peace, which onlyinaugruates what already exists. We see in Hyde Park the solemn inauguration of a_reign winch has. already begun. Nor is it any disparagement to the princely, favour, the noble generosity, and the enlightened zeal which have brought this great, work tin so happy a completion,- if we speak of it as somethmg occumng- naturally and spontanaoualy at this point of time:"